We all face the problem of incessant honking while waiting at traffic signals in Mumbai. Recently, an innovative video, ‘The Punishing Signal’ was released by the Mumbai Police on Twitter. Their initiative to tackle the problem of incessant honking—honk more, wait more.
In an attempt to reduce the incessant honking by motorists in the city, the Mumbai Police launched a new initiative. They shared a two-minute video, ‘The Punishing Signal’, on Twitter, which showed, the more people honk, the longer the wait. As per their concept, if the decibel level exceeds a certain level because of honking, the waiting time would automatically go up.
Their Tweet read, “Horn not okay, please! Here is how the Mumbai Police hit the mute button on Mumbai city’s reckless honkers. #HonkResponsibly.”
For instance, if the decibel levels (dB) exceeded 85 dB, the signal would reset automatically and stay red for longer. This means, the more the motorists honk, the longer they would have to wait for the signal to turn green. This would happen only once the decibel dropped below 85 dB. So, if the honking exceeds 85 decibels for a 90-second red light, the red signal restarts at 90 seconds. The meter would also display the message, “Honk More, Wait More.” Thus, the wait prolongs for the motorists.
The Mumbai Police have connected decibel meters at certain traffic poles in the city to carry out this initiative. Sound or noise levels are determined by measuring sound pressure with the help of these meters.
A great initiative by the Mumbai Police to curtail unnecessary honking we say.
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