About ThinkRight

ThinkRight is India’s leading meditation and mindfulness destination, guiding people to live a happy and balanced life. Our powerful meditation and mindfulness techniques are created to help you change the way you think, to change the way you live. Featuring a diverse set of experts specialising in the art of meditation, yoga, and mindful living, the ThinkRight app helps you become a better version of yourself.

Start Your Journey of Transformation with ThinkRight

Make a paradigm shift from stress to calm, anger to peace, anxiety to confidence, sadness to happiness, to create a more focused & joyful YOU!

Enter The World Of Mindfulness

Strengthen yourself from within through the power of daily meditative practices.


Anytime, Anywhere

Explore the world of mindfulness at your own pace with our exclusive resources.


A Daily Habit

Create your daily meditation and mindfulness routine guided by your emotional needs.

Meditation and Mindfulness at Your Fingertips

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Chapter 1: Creating A Beautiful Life

Chapter 1: Creating A Beautiful Life


A Practice for Everyone

Curated techniques and programs for everyone across age groups and lifestyles.

Your best version of YOU is just a click away.

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Let Our Masters Guide You

Learn about evidence-based health and wellness techniques and transform your mind, body and spirit.

Why ThinkRight

Meet the members of the ThinkRight community.

Bella | Writer

“The Daily Journey on the app has been the most useful for me. Every day I wake up and do the morning affirmation. Whenever I feel lost throughout the day, I go back and listen to the affirmations and it grounds me.” – Bella

Mandeep Borah | Advisor

“With ThinkRight, I used positive thinking through meditation which calmed me down and helped me with my stress and anxiety. It also helped me attain a good work-life balance.” – Mandeep

Melanie | Event Manager

“Between trying to run my business and prepping for MBA exams, I was burning myself out. After my friend gave me the ThinkRight app, I started a mindfulness practice through meditation and affirmations and I’ve never looked back.” – Melanie

Birindar | IT Professional

“My wife meditates to destress and she recommended the ThinkRight app to me. As a novice, I found the meditations simple, useful, and relatable, it’s become my go-to for a variety of situations. I favourite them to revisit during tough times.” – Birindar

Gaurav Singh | Creative Professional

“Yoga and meditation are a part of my daily routine but I was a bit undisciplined in my practice. I happened upon the ThinkRight app and it gave me the apt motivation to change my ways.” – Gaurav

Ashish Joshi | Engineer

“I came across ThinkRight online and began following Sister Shivani. I follow the Daily Journeys by her regularly and they help me understand and deal with my emotions better.” – Ashish

Neelima Mehra | Home Chef

“Being a home chef and a mother of two, I always felt like I wasn’t doing enough for everyone. ThinkRight helped me self-soothe and rewire my mindset into a positive one.” – Neelima

Raksha Kumawat | Theatre Actor

“When I started affirming everything through the ThinkRight app, I saw a visible change in myself. Physically and mentally, I became calmer, my days were organized, and I knew where I was heading. It’s been a massive help.” – Raksha

Heena Lulla | Working Mother

“I used to get very restless suffering separation anxiety with my child. My colleague suggested using ThinkRight app and I found a supportive and emotional companion in the app. Even my daughter loves listening to the Daily Journey with me.” – Heena

Download India's leading meditation and yoga app

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  • Rating4.7/5


Embracing Stillness: The Art of Meditation for Busy Lives

Embracing Stillness: The Art of Meditation for Busy Lives

Can we just take a collective pause for a moment? Seriously, let’s all release a long, deep, revitalizing exhale together. Because in this frenetic, mile-a-minute world of ours, just stopping to fully breathe can feel like a small revolution. As a human in the 21st century, it’s likely your daily life is ruled by a relentless taskmaster of deadlines, crammed schedules, and ruthless productivity demands. Wake up to the shrieking of alarms, caffeinate, lather, rinse, repeat on a loop of manic grinding until you ultimately collapse into bed, utterly spent. Somewhere along the line, we convinced ourselves that this is […]

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Mindful Living: Incorporating Meditation into Your Daily Routine

Mindful Living: Incorporating Meditation into Your Daily Routine

Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimized by the endless hustle of modern life. Between punishing work schedules, endless to-do lists, and the constant pings of technology and social media, it’s a miracle any of us have secured even a moment’s peace and downtime lately. Our minds are frazzled, our souls fried to a crisp as we mindlessly careen from obligation to obligation. We’re living in a spiritual and emotional drought, disconnected from our deepest selves as the dull roar of anxiety and restlessness intensifies. Can you relate? I sure as hell can. Not long ago, I was speeding […]

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The Healing Benefits of Meditation for Mental Health

The Healing Benefits of Meditation for Mental Health

They say life’s a journey, not a destination. But damn, some stretches of that road can feel downright brutal – like you’re dragging a boulder behind you every exhausting step. I know that feeling of heaviness all too well from my mental health struggles. There were days when depression’s dark clouds felt inescapable when anxiety threw curveball after curveball until I was spinning out of control. Despair, negativity, and panic consumed so much headspace that I lost touch with the pure light within myself. Maybe you’ve traveled down similar shadowy paths, battling your inner demons. Perhaps you’ve felt that profound […]

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