All Things Good That Happened This Week: 3rd May To 9th May

All Things Good That Happened This Week: 3rd May To 9th May

Truly inspiring and positive stories that happened this week in the world!
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7 days, 7 positive stories!

A resident of Mumbai’s suburban area Ghatkopar, Sawant is a teacher by profession and has come forward to offer his help amid the second wave of the pandemic. He ferries patients to and from hospitals, COVID centres and homes, all the while wearing a PPE kit and sanitising the vehicle.

“Many people are dying due to untimely treatment. Often, public vehicles do not provide services to COVID patients. In such cases, my free service will be available to the patients,” Sawant told ANI.

He said that his services will continue for as long as the COVID wave persists, and taking not of his selflessness, many have come forward to provide financial help.

Kudos to Mr Sawant for his service!

Rajbhar had grown up with dreams of becoming an artist. “I studied Fine Arts in Mumbai, and got the opportunity to work under a few established artists,” he says. However, he’d often find that he wasn’t given credit for his work. As part of one project, he decided to curate a show wherein he involved local artisans of the community. The project was called, ‘We Are Here Because You Are There’, and it was his first brush with talking about his struggles with caste through art.

In 2017, he opened the Chamar Studio, wherein he aimed to restore the livelihoods of the artisans by replacing leather products with recycled rubber. Chamar Studio sells a vast variety of carefully crafted and minimalist bags, wallets, belts, and other such products. The studio makes designer products that are affordable, so while the most expensive ones are priced as high as Rs 39,000, the lowest start from Rs 1,500. Around 50% of the earnings through these products go back to the artisans and Rajbhar’s foundation, The Chamar Foundation.

Rajiv Singhal and his whole family tested positive last year in September, making it difficult for them to get healthy homemade food. To ensure that no one else has to struggle for food like him, he started providing food parcels to people in home isolation for free. Singhal hired Asha Kitchen Food Service in Malad, Mumbai, to prepare meal boxes consisting of two vegetables, dal, rice, roti, papad, curd, and pickle.

“When I get a call, I really don’t ask for a Covid-19 positive report. I just speak to them and while talking, you understand that the person is in need,” said Singhal.

People like him are examples of selflessness and supreme humanity. More power to Rajiv Singhal and Asha Kitchen Food Service!

Volunteers under the Good Quest Foundation, Corona Care, Bangalore Rural Educational and Development Society (BREADS), Project Vision, AIFO, and ECHO have come together to deliver free food packets in East and Central Bengaluru. Covering nearly 80 families and 300 people, they will soon start kitchen services in South Bengaluru and Whitefield.

There are 28 co-ordinators, out of which 18 are field volunteers, who along with food packets, also deliver medicines on request. One of the beneficiaries, Sridhar, said that the free food delivery at his doorstep had given him a lifeline in the time of acute health crisis. More power to all these samaritans!

Not at superheroes wear capes, some wear a PPE kit and ride a bike to deliver essentials to home-quarantined people. Santosh Kumar, 38, a resident of Kiriburu in West Singhbhum district in Jharkhand, delivers supplies to at least 5-6 households every day. He started this initiative a few weeks ago, and a lot of people have been calling him and requesting for his services. He takes their orders on WhatsApp and receives the payment digitally.

“Since it is a highly contagious disease, I make sure that my body is fully protected before delivering the items, while my wife washes and sanitises them every day,” Panda says.

Such a noble deed, indeed!

Some people put society before themselves, and it shows. Satish Rao, 59, is one such person who came forward and helped the hospital authorities to run the vaccination drive smoothly.

“When I went to get vaccinated in March at a private hospital in Yeshwantpur, it was complete chaos there. It’s in my nature to volunteer, so the next day when I heard of similar commotion at CV Raman hospital in my neighbourhood, I decided to offer my services,” said Rao.

He set up a new system in the hospital to avoid delay and confusion, and also motivated people to get vaccinated by circulating messages on the importance of vaccines.

Rao has also worked with Teach India and has been active in animal welfare.

The world needs more people like him!

Help is being served at God’s home where 250 beds, equipped with all facilities will be offered free of cost at Delhi’s Rakab Ganj Gurudwara. The facility has arranged around 100 oxygen concentrators, along with other essential medicines. It will be functional in the next 3-5 days and will take care of those in need.

Read more: 5 Must Try Recipes of The Most Undervalued Drumstick (Moringa)

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