Importance Of Sports From A Young Age

Importance Of Sports From A Young Age

Sports has some long-lasting and significant benefits when it is taken up from a young age.
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For children and adults alike, physical activities enhance mood and lead to increased levels of relaxation. Here are some more lesser-known reasons as to why kids should indulge in sports from a young age.

Develops self-esteem

The minds of the young are very impressionable and whatever they see, do and experience moulds their personality. A simple pat on the back, a few words of encouragement will build confidence within them and will stay with them for a very long time. They will develop more self-confidence as and when they learn more about their capabilities.

Teaches them about leadership

Playing team sports requires being responsible and kids learn to take the rein in times of need. It isn’t about being on the top, it’s also about being accountable for your actions and being a role model to people around you.

Teaches the importance of respect

With the rules and regulations of the game comes to respect for authority. If they don’t follow the rules they subsequently learn of the consequences. Respecting and obeying your coach is an important aspect. Sportsmanship is another quality they imbibe irrespective of the fact they win or lose.

Better communicators

No sport can be played without communicating. A good sportsman will also be good at communicating. Often a sportsman will be put into situations wherein he/she will have to be clear and concise. Since team sports foster relationships and promote teamwork, kids over a period of time learn to communicate better.

Time management

Very often, young athletes have shown to be better students. Through sports, kids learn about achieving goals within a specified period of time. Teammates will support each other, be it on the court or off the court; helping one another keep track of schedules and responsibilities.

Apart from these, children also develop physically in terms of stamina and resilience. There couldn’t be more reasons to start playing sports from a young age! 

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