What would you do if you want to lose weight? Join the gym, eat healthy, and stay miles away from unhealthy food. This seems like the ideal way, right? And it actually is, until you slowly start obsessing over it. Now, you work out till your body becomes sore, only calculate the calories you eat and kill your cravings for your favourite fried food.
As much as we have heard about building healthy habits, it is also true that overdoing them has negative effects on us. Here are 5 such habits that you should not overdo.
Too much fibre
It is true that not even five percent of people intake the required amount of fibre. But, in the same light, if you go all out on your fibre intake, it will only lead to bloating and you feeling gassy. Moderate your fibre intake by adding one to two servings a day to your regular diet for a week. Make small shifts from having white to whole wheat bread or have an apple instead of fried chips.
Too much brushing
Nobody likes to visit a dentist and undergo painful root canals. You just need to brush twice and be gentle while doing so. Brushing vigorously wears down the tooth enamel and push back your gums, which leads to dental problems. If your toothbrush is getting squished, you are brushing too hard.
Too much high-dose vitamin intake
What an irony it would be if you take something to better your health and it backfires. Studies have shown that consuming four times the daily recommended value of vitamins can cause cancer. When there is a vitamin overdose in the body, the normal cellular growth gets disrupted. Choose your vitamins wisely and take them only under a doctor’s supervision.
Too much of sleep
Most of us want to make up for our lost sleep on the weekends, right? Not hitting the snooze button and sleeping to our heart’s content sounds like bliss. A study suggests that people who sleep beyond the usual seven to eight hours are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s.
Too much of exercise
Your body needs ample rest after every work out session. The more you workout the more time your body needs to recover. Not giving yourself a break post an intense gym session can lead to injuries and prevent you from seeing any gains. Mix your workouts and give yourself a day or two of recovery time.
Find a balance, do everything in moderation, and let those healthy habits have only good consequences.
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