How To Be Stress-Free At Work?

How To Be Stress-Free At Work?

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How often do we wish we could go back to our school or college years? Life was just about fun, friends and maybe a bit of study! You start working and life changes for you. Stress becomes part of your everyday routine. Even if your job is something you are absolutely passionate about, you feel the stress. Stress, at times, can be good. It makes you strive for more and makes you more efficient. But there is a thin line between simple stress and chronic stress.

The latter is overwhelming and may very likely affect your mental and physical health. Since you can’t always avoid stress at your job, it is better to learn how to manage it efficiently.  tips on how to manage work-related stress

Track your stressors

Maintaining a diary or journal will help you identify the situations which create the most stress and your response to them. This will help you develop a particular pattern among stressors and how you deal with them.

Develop healthy responses

Take a break, unwind | Image: File Image

People generally fight stress with alcohol or binge eating. Both of these are highly detrimental to one’s health. Rather indulge in exercise or yoga. Also, find some time to do something you like. It may be reading a book, or even gardening or hanging out with loved ones. Sleeping on time is also a habit one must inculcate to manage stress.

Establish boundaries

In today’s world, people feel the work pressure 24/7. It is absolutely important to establish some work-life boundaries. You must make it a rule to not check your emails or indulge in any pending work after office or on weekends. 

Take time to recharge

Go for a trip, have some fun | Image: File Image

In order to avoid the detrimental effects of chronic stress, we need to rejuvenate. This process of switching off from work gives you time to relax and unwind. When you re-join work, you feel much more relaxed. This simply makes you more efficient. 

Learn to relax 

Meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness help in getting rid of any stress and can be applied to any aspect of your life. 

Talk to your supervisor

Your mental state and health determine your quality of work. It is better to talk to them when you feel that things are getting out of hand. This will help him/her understand your problems at work and will try to come up with an effective solution. 

Get some support

Friends and family can provide a lot of support to manage your stress. Some workplaces also provide counseling that can help you manage your stress in a healthy way.

Read more: Tips For Travelling With A Little Human

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