Things You Should Do For Yourself This Christmas

Things You Should Do For Yourself This Christmas

Presents, parties, visits to the Christmas markets are all a part of the festivities. This Christmas, do something for yourself, something that would make you happy.
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Christmas—waking up to the cosy wintery morning, the smell of the freshly baked Christmas cake, and yes, presents. Christmas just makes us so happy. But, in all the hustle of doing everything for others, we place ourselves last on the list. We make sure to make things perfect and keep everyone happy, and while doing so, somehow, our own happiness takes a backseat. This year, do something for yourself as well; after all, it’s Christmas for you too, right? Something done for you, by you.

Be Present

The mistakes of the past and the fear of the future is a massive sucker of joy. Treat each day like a clean new slate, waiting to be written on. Live today, be alive now and make the most of what you have at hand. This also stands true for millennials who are practically living on the internet. It is time to stop seeing the world through the white screen, put it down, and enjoy the moment. Be all there.

Take Out Time For You
Take a break, don’t stress so much | Image: File Image

Your checklist for that perfect Christmas party might be too long. And in your effort to tick those boxes off, don’t burn yourself out. Exactly when it’s all starting to be a chore, find your joy. It can be the simplest of things like having a cup of coffee in the sunshine. Be it Christmas or any other day, keep in mind that when you ensure your own well-being and happiness, only then you can do the same for others.

Let It Go

Do you run around in the house making sure everything is perfect? Making sure the tree is decorated fine or colour coordinating all the wrappers? Ask yourself; is it important? Does it make me happy? If your response to that is a ‘no’, then it’s time you learn to let go. If something is not adding anything to your celebration, drop it. Let go of the idea of what Christmas should look like and embrace what Christmas should feel like instead.

People > Gifts
Create memories to cherish forever | Image: File Image

When we look back at the Christmas celebrations from our childhoods, what do we remember the most? Of course, it was the excitement to open up the gifts first thing in the morning, which I’m sure were as great. But today, the time that you had spent with your family during Christmas is what matters. Times when the whole family would come together, sit, eat, and laugh. Today, focus on doing the same for your kids or family. A fancy gift will surely make them happier, but the happy times you spend with each other are priceless.

Christmas is a feeling first and then a festival. With so much already going on during this time, these are some things you can do for yourself and for others for a mindful celebration.

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