5 Signs That Mean You Have A Hormone Imbalance

5 Signs That Mean You Have A Hormone Imbalance

Women should look out for these signs of hormone imbalance, to nip the bud before it grows.
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Do you often catch yourself being moody, irritable, or aloof, without any specific reason? Experiencing these changes is normal before, during, or after periods, and during pregnancy or menopause. But, if none is the case, then hormone imbalance, or ‘chemical messengers’ as they’re called, might be impacting your cells and organ function.

You have irregular periods
Irregular periods as a huge sign of hormone imbalance | Image: File Image

This is gradually becoming a common lifestyle problem in girls and women today. A healthy cycle is every 21 to 35 days, if yours is any shorter, longer, or if you miss them altogether, chances are that have too much or too little of certain hormones. This can be a symptom of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

You cannot sleep well

If you find it difficult to get your good night’s zzz, or if the sleep you’re getting isn’t good, the hormone progesterone is to blame. It is released by the ovaries, and if your levels are lower than usual, it makes it hard to fall and stay asleep. This can also be accompanied by hot flashes and night sweats.

You struggle with chronic acne
Persistent acne indicate that the hormone levels are disrupted | Image: File Image

Having teenage acne, or a zit here and there during your periods is normal. But acne that won’t clear up can mean that the androgens hormone is going into overdrive. These male hormones are produced in both men and women, but an excess of them can cause oil glands to overwork. The also after the skin cells around the hair follicles, causing the pores to clog.

You feel tired all the time

If tired is your all-time ‘mood’ then it is a clear symptom of hormone imbalance. Excess progesterone can make you sleepy and sluggish. Plus, if your thyroid gland is producing too little thyroid hormone, then it can cut back on your energy. Consult your doctor and follow up with the required blood tests.

You feel hungry most of the day

Irritable mood or mood swings often go hand in hand with food bingeing. This happens when your estrogen levels are down. They can alter your body’s levels of leptin, a hormone that is responsible to regulate food intake. Because of this, you don’t feel full easily or tend to feel hungry shortly after a meal. It’s best to consult a doctor under such circumstances.

All the above-mentioned issues need the doctor’s attention. They can be easily reversed with proper medication and a healthy lifestyle. Do not delay, if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, visit your doctor today.

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