5 Tips To Get Back To Your Fitness Routine After The Festive Season

5 Tips To Get Back To Your Fitness Routine After The Festive Season

If you’re wondering how to reset your health routine after weeks of celebrations, we have easy tips that can help you get back on track.
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All of us have celebrated the festivities with great gusto and enthusiasm in the last few weeks. Many of us visited our families after months. Now, let’s be honest, those few weeks of festivities included a lot of our favourite food, especially fried food and sweets. And we just couldn’t resist, could we? It’s the festive season! But now, it’s time to get back to fitness after festive season has ended.

Our routine, schedule, and diet all take a back seat during the festivities which is understandable, festivals like Navratri and Diwali are big times of celebration in India and the most delicious food is a part of it. During this time, our health and diet is the last thing on our minds. And that’s okay, but what is not okay is not getting back on track after the festivities are done.   

It’s been over a week since all the festivities ended and now is just the right time to get your workout routine, daily schedule, and a healthy diet back on spot. We know it’s not easy, but we believe in you.

5 Tips On How To Get Back To Fitness After Festive Season

1. Restart your workout routine 

Being inactive for a few weeks can affect your performance, but not to worry. Just remember, when you start again, take things slowly at first and then pick up the gear. Opt for low-intensity workouts and then switch them up. You can start by adding compound exercises in your fitness routine. This will give you time to adjust your routine and give your body time to adjust to the rhythm again.  

2. Avoid alcohol and sugar 

You’ve had enough of these during the last month. There really is no need to explain why laying off these for a few weeks at least will do your health a ton of good. This will help your body detoxify and rewire itself back into a healthful state.  

3. Stay hydrated 

It’s important to drink enough water to help your body to get rid of toxins. Also, after indulging in fried and unhealthy food in the past weeks, your body will take some time to detox. While that is happening, having a healthy amount of water will ensure you don’t binge eat.  

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4. Cleanse your kitchen and pantry 

As you cleanse your body, you need to become mindful of the food you have in your kitchen and pantry as well. To ensure that you get back to eating healthy, take stock of the food in your house and get rid of all the unprocessed and unhealthy food that could make it difficult for you to get back to your fitness routine. 

5. Start yoga and a mindfulness practice 

Even if this wasn’t a part of your routine before the festivities now might be the right time to start. All our sleep schedules and daily routines have gone out the window. Yoga and mindfulness are the perfect way to hit the reset button. Practicing yoga right before bedtime can help you sleep better, which will ensure you wake up fresh and ready to take on the day. Meditating first thing in the morning will help you stay aware and make better and healthier decisions.  

These positive affirmations can help you get back to good health.

It’s the right time to put your health first and get back to your routine. Wish you the very best! 

Read More: 10 Effective Ways To Balance Your Stress Hormones

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