8 Benefits Of Maintaining A Personal Journal

8 Benefits Of Maintaining A Personal Journal

All you need to know about the powerful and accessible self-care practice of journal writing.
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Journaling is a simple activity that has an outsized return when practised regularly. It’s been shown to have significant mental and physical health benefits and to improve a person’s overall quality of life.  

There are many reasons why we journal. From travel journals and dream journals to gratitude journals and prayer journals, we keep specific journals for different aspects of our life. In the past, many people kept personal journals where they recorded the day’s events and their observations.  

How Does Journaling Help?   

Our lives are filled with information, knowledge, and feelings that may sometimes be hard to process. Journaling provides a safe space to express yourself and understand your emotions.    

Additionally, it also helps you:     
  • Calm your mind by de-cluttering extra information     
  • Release pent-up feelings and everyday stress              
  • Recognise and let go of negative thoughts       
  • Explore your experiences with anxiety                          
  • Enhance self-awareness and teach you about your triggers    
  • Improve problem-solving skills    
  • Track personal growth    
  • All of this adds up to healing, which is both emotional as well as physical  
Keep your thoughts organised  

Diaries help us to organise our thoughts and make them apprehensible. You can record daily events, thoughts, and feelings about certain experiences or opinions. Journey allows you to tag and archive your diary entries.  

Improve your writing  

Journaling helps you train your writing. If you want to practice or improve on your writing, the best thing to do is start a journal. You don’t need the perfect topic to start. All you need to do is start writing your thoughts in Journey. The more you write, the more your writing will improve.  

Set & achieve your goals  

A journal is a good place to write your goals, ambitions, aspirations, and new year resolutions. By keeping them in a diary, you can monitor your progress and feel motivated to continue to focus on your next milestone!  

8 Benefits of Maintaining a Personal Journal
Make journaling your habit | Image: File Image
Record ideas on-the-go  

The benefit of keeping a journal is that you can record all of your ideas in one place, anytime and anywhere. Whenever an idea comes to your mind, you can write it down in your journal. You can then revisit these ideas later to look for new links, form conclusions, or even get a fresh perspective!  

Relieve stress  

Writing down your feelings helps you “brain-dump” your anxieties, frustrations, and pains in a journal. This can help you reduce and release any stress which you may have accumulated over time.  

Allow yourself to self-reflect  

Our fast-paced lives can become even more hectic as we start shouldering on more responsibilities, making us feel the pressure as others place high expectations on us. This results in us getting frenzied as we try to catch up with the day-to-day.  

Journaling is a good way to help us stop, take a step back, and reflect on ourselves. We can self-reflect on gratitude or what we did in the day and write it in our diary. Daily reflection can also be done at night before bed. We can look back at our life in a journal and think about how we’ve changed and what we can do to improve ourselves.  

Boost your memory  

Your brain is likely to store information that you have written in your diary. Your brain will make stronger connections with the information you have learnt after you write them down in a diary, making it easier for you to recall in the future too!  

Inspire creativity  

Writing a journal is a great way to unleash your creativity. Everyone has the potential of being creative, just that most of us haven’t discovered it yet. Your journal is the best place to start exploring your inner creativity. Write down anything that comes to your mind. Let your imaginations run wild and record it in Journey.  

There are many other benefits to keep a journal. You’ll discover more when you start one! 

Read more:  What Does It Mean To Become A Sustainable Reader?

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