Why Should You Speak Positively?

Why Should You Speak Positively?

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Saying that physical abuse is the worst form of abuse, is only the partial truth. The bruises and cuts seen on the outside are easier to repair and quicker to heal. However, the effects of verbal abuse on the brain, if not more, cause as much damage as physical abuse. It shatters a person’s self-esteem and self-respect.

Spotting a verbal abuser is tricky, as they would be talking politely all through the day. But, one snap and they might lose their temper and blurt out all kinds of harsh words!

effects of verbal abuse on the brain
Harsh words can kill like a sword | Image: File Image

Effects Of Verbal Abuse On The Brain:

Verbal abuse can lead to the following disorders:
  1. Anxiety
  2. Depression
  3. Suicidal thoughts
  4. PTSD
  5. Chronic pain
  6. Migraines
  7. Eating disorders
  8. Digestive issues

What Can You Call Verbal Abuse?

1. Mood Killers:

They have the ability to make you feel bad and spoil your mood whenever you are in a good happy place.

2. Name-calling:

Name-calling is a way to humiliate, manipulate and harm the victim.

3. Abusers Are Always Right:

Abusers always think they are always right, they never apologize, and are really good at playing the blame game.

5. Foul Jokes:

Cracking jokes at the expense of others without their permission or consent can hurt them.

6. Demean Others:

In order to feel good themselves, abusers need to make their victims feel small and worthless.

7. Isolation Of Victims:

The game plan of mental abusers is to isolate their victims. Abused victims avoid any kind of social interaction.

Think Right Tips:

  • If you ever come across someone, who seems like a verbal abuse victim, go ahead and help them.
  • Be mindful of your own words, and be careful not to hurt others.
  • Do not hesitate to seek professional help.

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