How to explain Yoga to your child?

How to explain Yoga to your child?

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Getting your inquisitive little one into a habit of practising Yoga can create wonderful changes in their lives. But with so many new types of exercises mushrooming around, how do you get your curious child interested in Yoga? And the real challenge can be when they demand to know what they’re getting into. No doubt, explaining Yoga to a child can be tricky. But we’ve got your back.

Here are a few tips to help your child understand what Yoga is all about and help them develop an interest in this extremely useful practise.

Explaining Yoga to a Child

Tip # 1: Keep it simple

Yoga can be a vast and complex subject. But the skill here is to keep it simple and basic. There’s no need to get into advanced details right away. You can keep that for later. To begin with, you may say, Yoga is an ancient practise that includes physical postures (Asanas) and breathing techniques (Pranayama), along with other advanced methods for overall wellbeing of an individual. After that, you can let the conversation flow. And based on how inquisitive your little one is, you can share more information with them.

Tip # 2: Use charts and images

Paste a chart of Yogasanas or Yoga postures in your child’s room or in a place where it’s easily noticeable. This can be a great way to give a visual reference to your child. Talk to them about each of the postures and explain the benefits. You can also show them online videos of how Yoga practitioners transition from one pose to another. This can be a good way to explain it to them and might also help in piquing your child’s interest in Yoga.

Tip # 3: Conversations with other young Yoga practitioners

Encourage your child to speak to their friends or older kids in the community who practise Yoga regularly. Many a time, kids can best explain what they do and why they have chosen to do it. So, hearing the benefits of Yoga from their peers can help them understand it better. You can ask them about their understanding in a casual conversation later on. That will help you understand your child’s perspective about it.

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