A while ago Justin Trudeau’s 3-year-old broke the internet with his cheeky pictures while on a family holiday. And then there was Princess Charlotte, who decided to throw a tantrum right on the tarmac. Naughty kids can be a handful for the parents. But not even once did their celebrity parents lose their calm. There was no display of any negative emotions. Clearly, when it comes to discipline you have to balance the scales. So, how to discipline a child without hitting and yelling?
Parenting expert helps you get it right!
So, what’s discipline anyway? Parenting expert Dr. Justin Coulson takes this word beyond its standard meaning. He suggests that instead of looking at discipline as punishing your kids, look at it from a different perspective, and perhaps the right one. That of guiding and teaching them about the right way to be. That will help to inculcate the right behaviour in your child.
How to discipline a child without hitting and yelling: Use the 3 Effective E’s Theory!
Dr. Coulson has put forth a theory of 3 Effective E’s. And that may be of great help in sparing the rod and still inculcate right behaviour in your child.
So, may be you want your little one to pick up the toys and put them away in the toybox after playtime. And your tot doesn’t want to do it. After a little back and forth, it may be easier for you to lose your temper. Or even hit them out of exasperation. Especially if you, yourself have a lot to do. So, how to discipline a child without hitting and yelling in such cases? Dr. Coulson gives you a three-step-solution that might come in handy in the midst of a tough situation.
The 1st E: Explain
Tell your child why you want them to put the toys in the toybox. You may also share with your tot that as they go about their daily chores, they may trip over toys scattered around. Sharing your expectations with your child and backing them up with logical explanations is a better way than commanding. This may help them understand things more clearly and may be in harmony with what you say.
The 2nd E: Explore
Understanding is always a two-way process. So, while you share your expectations with your child, it’s equally important to understand their perspective. That’s why you need to explore the situation from their point of view. Perhaps they don’t understand your instruction. Or may be that they are tired of all the play. Whatever the reason may be, you need to find that out and then guide them accordingly.
The 3rd E: Empower
Once you’ve found out what is the reason for your child’s stubbornness, you can guide them accordingly. Collect the toys with them rather than just telling them to do it. Lead by example. That’s the best way to get your child into good habits. When they see you do something, they pick that up from you, at the same time, also learn how it needs to be done.
So, go ahead and spare the rod for good, and witness your child blossom into a well-behaved person.
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