Mumbai recently saw an uproar of its locals stepping up against the government regarding the felling of trees at Aarey Colony for a metro shed construction. And now, following this lead is the state of Hyderabad.
Recently, over 500 people, including locals, environmentalists, and civil society activists formed a human chain near the Nallagandla area in Hyderabad, to stop the cutting of trees. Raising the slogans of ‘Save Life Save Trees’, people protested under the #SaveNallagandlaTrees.
The land was being cleared for road widening. The felling began on November 8th and as many as 99 trees along the Tellapur road had been axed by November 13th. The sight of the axed trees spread along the road was what instigated the outrage, which eventually took the form of a full-fledged protest.
It is remarkable how citizens are making a conscious effort to protect the environment in every way possible. They are able to draw a line between development and sustainable development. So, what they did is really inspirational.
Read more: Cycling Tours For An Eco-Friendly Lifestyle
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