Learn Some Unique Yoga And Meditation Techniques At This Two-Day Online Event

Learn Some Unique Yoga And Meditation Techniques At This Two-Day Online Event

This interactive event brings to you more than 30 different sessions of Yoga and Meditation.
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This two-day event by ‘Ananda Sangha’ is your opportunity to delve into the mystic and lesser-known ancient teachings of Yoga and meditation.

All this immersive knowledge will be modernized for our easy understanding by Yoga Masters Mahavatar Babaji and Paramhansa Yogananda.

Absorb practical knowledge tested by decades of experience from some of the foremost speakers on Yoga on the planet in the ‘Keynote Talks’ sessions.

Ananda Sangha
Image: Ananda Sangha

Or take your pick from guided Ananda Yoga sessions, meditation classes, workshops on art and music, and guided visualizations.

Where Tyagi Shurjo, one of our Masters on the ThinkRight.me App will talk about Magnetism, and how it can change our life. Meanwhile, you can also listen to his guided meditation on the App.

You can also be a part of their Interactive Rooms and explore a full spectrum of the spiritual lifestyle, from music to education, to art and science, and much more.

It is a two-day online event to be held on 5th and 6th September.

To register yourself or to know more, click here.

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