Rose Scent Helps You Sleep Well And Learn

Rose Scent Helps You Sleep Well And Learn

Is getting a good night’s sleep a problem? The scent of roses can help you get a sound sleep at night and also learn better, says science.
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With a fast-paced lifestyle, addiction to gadgets and long works hours, getting a good night’s sleep is a problem for many. But now, studies have shown that the scent of roses can help you get a sound sleep at night. Here’s more on that.

Many people have trouble getting a good night’s sleep and wake up tired more than rested. Many have a disturbed sleep or can’t wake up fresh because of lack of sleep. All those people can now find solace in roses. For, according to a study, the scent of roses aids in getting sound sleep. It can also help improve the quality of learning according to the study that’s been published in the journal, Nature Group’s Open Access Journal Scientific Reports. In fact, the success of learning increased by 30 percent as per the study when people were exposed to the scent of roses during the learning and sleep phases.

The study

For the study, two classes were formed wherein pupils in one learnt English vocabulary with rose scent sticks. The pupils in the other class were not exposed to the scent. The conclusion—those exposed to the scent remembered the vocabulary better than the ones who were not exposed.

Several experiments were conducted on a group of 54 students by one author of the study, Franziska Neumann. These pupils belonged to two classes of grade six. They were asked to keep rose-scented incense sticks by their bedside while sleeping and on their desks while learning English.

It was found that those who were exposed to the scent showed a rise in learning success by 30 percent and also for sleep, compared to those who were not exposed.

Dr Jurgen Kornmeier, the lead researcher, believes that the scent can also be used in daily life effectively in a targeted manner.

Who knew the fragrance of roses could be so powerful?

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