We want to say yes to everything—to give every task that falls into our hands the care and attention it deserves. But that’s impossible. There’s so much to do and not enough time to do it.
It’s easy to become overwhelmed by obligations. They eat away at your energy, leaving you mentally and emotionally exhausted. As a result, you miss out on new opportunities and put off your established goals. In other words? You stop focusing on what matters to you. Find out how you can take back the reigns with a simple “no.”
It’s time to say no
Being productive begins with prioritizing what’s really important to you. Stop multitasking. To truly prioritize, you need to say no to almost everything except for what’s essential to reaching your goal.
But “no” is easier thought than said. Why?
Saying no to others
If you don’t like the word “no,” you’re not alone. Most people shy away from saying “no” and there are plenty of psychological reasons why. The fear of saying no breaks down into a few general categories:
● Fear of conflict
● Fear of disappointing others
● Fear of social awkwardness
● Fear of negative consequences (getting fired, losing a friend, etc.)
Notice something? All of these involve other people. We are afraid of how “no” might cause others to perceive us in a bad light or damage our relationships.
In the short run, the person you are saying no to may feel annoyed or slighted. In the long run, they will respect your confidence and appreciate your honesty. Reframing “no” will help you jump the hurdle of feeling guilty and walk away stronger and more assertive.
Saying no to yourself
But sometimes the person you’re saying no to isn’t a friend or a co-worker—it’s yourself. The biggest reason it’s so hard to say no to ourselves is the “sunk cost” bias. Sunk cost bias occurs when you continue to invest time, resources, and money into a losing proposition because you’ve “gone too far to quit.” This can apply to almost anything: businesses, relationships, even politics.
What are the benefits of saying no?
The benefits of saying “no” are monumental.
When you say “no” to a non-essential task, you are saying “yes” to the things that matter to you—spending time with family, pursuing hobbies, launching your business. We’re most effective when we say “no” to anything that won’t help us achieve our goals.
Saying no when you cannot commit to helping will gain you long-term respect and a reputation as an honest and reliable person.
If that’s not enough convincing, consider the effects on your health. Saying “no” to non-essential tasks can reduce your stress levels. This affects your physical and mental health. Those who are stressed are more prone to strokes, heart attacks, and diabetes. Mentally, anxiety and depression go hand-in-hand with stress.
Ultimately, learning how to say no will help you tackle high-priority tasks with positivity and vigour. The quality of your work will increase. The quality of your life will increase.
People-pleasing is less important than taking care of yourself. Learning to say “no” will not only increase your productivity, but will also diminish your stress and give you a greater sense of control over your schedule, your workload, and your life.
Read more: Is Your Kid Crankier Than Usual?
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