8 Simple Tips To Protect And Nurture Your Vital Organs

8 Simple Tips To Protect And Nurture Your Vital Organs

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‘Health is wealth’ is a phrase all of us have heard ‘N’ number of times! But, how much do we actually pay heed to our body’s health? As we know, the heart, brain, lungs, kidney, liver, and skin are our 5 vital organs. Do these little things that are good for your body and show your body some love!

8 Things That Are Good For Your Body:

things that are good for your body
Keeping the organs healthy | Image: File Image
  • Exercise! This is the most basic and effective method.
  • Keep a regular check on your blood pressure and sugar levels.
  • Fruits, green leafy vegetables and food rich in omega 3 rich fatty acids should be consumed.
  • Have enough sleep!
  • Drink enough water to keep your kidneys healthy.
  • Quit smoking, it is just slow death.
  • Don’t step outdoors unless you have applied ample sunscreen!
  • Vitamin C & E, are also good for the skin. Use moisturizers that are rich in Vitamin C & E.

Now, How Can You Think Right To Do Right? 

  • Make small but significant changes in your lifestyle.
  • Cut down on junk, rely on healthy snacking.
  • Keep a tab on your habits, the secret to change lies in your daily activities.

Read more: An Open Letter To My Fauji Father!

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