5 Ways To Sweat It Out When You’re Short On Time

5 Ways To Sweat It Out When You’re Short On Time

Squeezing in some workout when you have a time crunch is totally doable with these tips.
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The lives we lead give us little to no time to spend on ourselves. Where, taking out an hour to sweat out seems like an impossible task. But we all gotta sweat it out! If you too struggle to squeeze in a workout in your super-busy day, here’s what you can do to fix that.

Cycle to work

Work out a timetable and cycle to work accordingly. Take a gym bag with your office clothes in it and maybe you can change it at work. Of course, this should be followed by a healthy breakfast. This way you’re being eco-friendly, saving money and hey, you lose a couple of kilos in a month too!

Workout at home

It may be raining outside but that shouldn’t stop your quest for fitness. Get yourself a yoga mat, a little bit of space to jump and do push-ups. Grab your phone and download one of the million apps that will help you with the workouts you can do at home. Easy workouts like jumping jacks, push-ups, crunches over a period of 25-30 minutes which can be very beneficial. This, and provided you do it on a regular basis wouldn’t need you to go to the gym.

Wake up early

When I say early, I mean very early. Wake up at 4 AM. All accomplished athletes wake up early. Be it The Rock, Kobe Bryant, or even Virat Kohli. All of them wake up early and finish chores for what they don’t have time for usually. Get your workout in early in the morning and then you have enough time to whip up a hearty breakfast.

Wear a sweater or sweatshirt

Believe it or not, insulation to the body helps in the maintenance of weight. Often people in the military and as a matter of fact, even professional boxers wear sweatshirts or sweaters in order to maintain their weight. This, of course, is also followed by a healthy diet and a specified workout routine.


Yes, the best for the last. HIIT or High-Intensity Interval Training is a routine cardiovascular exercise strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods, until too exhausted to continue. Basically, you find yourself a track and sprint the length of the track with very fewer amounts of time as breaks. This is to be done until exhaustion. Intense HIIT training can last anywhere between 15-30 minutes. A sure way to burn more calories in a less amount of time.

So what are you waiting for? We have given you enough reasons to go workout even if you’re working and are short on time. Giddy up!

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