Why Haldi Is The Best Way To Stay Healthy?

Why Haldi Is The Best Way To Stay Healthy?

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It might not be wrong to say that turmeric is an all-rounder of a spice. Healthy skin? Turmeric. Healing a wound? Turmeric. Feeling a bit sick? Turmeric. It is so widely used in Indian households that hardly anyone is void of its benefits. And slowly it is gaining popularity worldwide, with drinks like ‘turmeric lattes’ and ‘golden milk’ flooding the market. But with so much already been spoken about turmeric, is there something that we do not know? Yes!

What Are The Positive Side-Effects Of Turmeric?

This golden spice helps reduces inflammation, making it a must-have for arthritis patients.

Turmeric is great for the liver. It can also reverse long-term damage because of its antioxidant properties.

While the cure for cancer is still a big question, curcumin found in turmeric can prevent and perhaps even treat cancer. It has protective effects against prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, and multiple myeloma.

The magic spice | Image: File Image

Since times immemorial, turmeric has been a part of the Indian skin and beauty rituals. The ample amount of antioxidants in turmeric protect the skin against free radicals, which delays your skin’s aging process.

Turmeric boosts the production of bile, which in turn boosts the digestion process. It is also a great remedy for stomach bloating and gas.

How Can You Include More Turmeric In Your Diet?

Almost no dish exits the Indian kitchen with a little sprinkle of turmeric. But it being a superfood, you can use these methods to maximize the intake of turmeric in your diet.

The ‘Golden Milk’ | Image: File Image

Heat some water in a pan and bring it to boil. Take a cup, add a teaspoon of turmeric and half a teaspoon of lemon. Then add the hot water to it. Drink this turmeric detox regularly for healthy skin.

Make your salad dressing using part oil, part vinegar, and some seasonings including turmeric.

Mix a pinch of turmeric to a glass of milk and consume it lukewarm.

True, the colour yellow stands for happiness, energy, and now, health!

Read more: Where To Eat Vegan Food In Pune?

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