11 Non-Profit Organisations Providing Relief During COVID-19

11 Non-Profit Organisations Providing Relief During COVID-19

Help these organisations that are changing lives across India.
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In times of need, a helping hand goes a long way. Today, as we battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of people are struggling to make ends meet. Here is a list of non-profit organisations that you can contribute to make a difference in their lives.

Maker’s Asylum

The help: medical equipment aid

One of the most important things that countries need to be doing to help understand and stop the spread of COVID-19 is testing! Healthcare workers around the world are working 24*7 to test patients that might be carrying the coronavirus. These workers are in need of face shields during this time of intense testing in India. Maker’s Asylum is producing M19 Face Shields and distributing them to doctors and essentials service personnel.

You can donate here.

NRAI Feed The Needy

The help: feed the needy with the help of the hospitality industry

National Restaurant Association of India (NRAI) and its members are taking up the cause to feed the needy in this time of crisis. NRAI has pledged to serve up to ten million poor people – migrants, daily wage earners & others – using kitchen and people infrastructure. NRAI is already serving about 25,000 meals a day and needs your generous and kind support to ramp this up substantially.

Click here to help them.

Swachh and Kashtakari Panchayat Trust

The help: essential supplies for waste collectors

While many of us have the liberty of working from home, or suspending work, our city’s waste pickers continue to work tirelessly to keep our city clean and safe. The lockdown has halted the entire informal recycling economy, as scrap shops have been closed down, and this cuts off a major part of their income, leaving most of their family members jobless without essential service of solid waste collection. This pushes them to continue doing so during this outbreak to prevent worse health and hygiene disasters. These waste pickers collect, transport and sort waste on a daily basis, exposing themselves to waste material from over 10,00,000 households and more than 40,00,000 individuals. This also puts them at a very high risk of infection and transmission of COVID-19.

Click here to donate and make a difference.

Rise Against Hunger India (RAHI)

The help: food supplies for daily wagers

Under the current circumstances, the lowest strata of the society, comprising of daily wage workers, construction workers, contract laborers, street vendors have been the worst hit. These groups have lost the only source of their income and have no means to make ends meet or provide food for their families. Rise Against Hunger India (RAHI) has stepped in to support such groups in the time of this emergency by providing them with meals and other essential support.

You can make your donation here.

HelpAge India

The help: food and other supplies for the elderly and daily wagers

HelpAge India is reaching out to the elders, homeless and migrant daily wage laborers who are facing their toughest time right now and providing them information, survival and sanitary kits, essential supplies and cooked meals.

Donate here.


The help: essential supplies for Delhi violence victims

They have covered over 1400+ families till now and more are in need. They have a collective of more than 30 on-ground teams to cater to 12000 families who are homeless and/or migrants in Delhi. Most of them were displaced due to Delhi’s violence.

They need your help, and you donate here.

Zomato Feeding India

The help: food supplies for daily wagers

The not-for-profit started the ‘Feed the Daily Wager’ project after the announcement of the 21-day lockdown to provide food support to families of daily wage earners across cities. The non-profit has partnered with other NGOs and social enterprises working on the ground such as the Centre for Education and Health Research Organisation in Delhi and Balancing Bits in Gurugram while following proper social distancing guidelines.

You can donate here.


The help: food supplies for vulnerable communities

The not-for-profit organisation is reaching out to vulnerable communities in the states of Bihar, Delhi, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Odisha and Uttarakhand. In these regions, besides supporting the elderly and children, SEEDS is taking some burden off frontline health workers by supplementing public health systems, supplying hygiene kits and supporting the establishment of temporary quarantine facilities.

You can change their lives by donating here.


The help: food supplies for daily wagers

A large number of daily wagers are out of jobs and have gone back to their villages. A lot of them are stuck in cities with hardly any resources. Goonj has already started to work in parts of 12 states from Delhi to Bihar, Maharashtra to Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Running and supporting Community Kitchens, reaching out food and Ration Kits to migrant workers on the roads, production of masks and cloth sanitary napkins and supporting the efforts of many other agencies working on the ground. Our vast network of partner organizations, volunteers, stakeholders and contributors in urban and rural India, built over the last 2 decades of work, has been activated and intensified.

Support them by donating here.

World For All

The help: food and medical supplies for stray animals

Provide food and medical supplies for these estranged animals on the streets. While everyone stays at home, stray animals depending upon us for food are going hungry. Don’t let them starve!

Help them by donating here.

Ola Foundation – Drive the Driver

The help: relief for taxi and auto daily wage drivers

Drivers everywhere are struggling to make ends meet due to the coronavirus outbreak. To help them in times like these, the Ola Foundation has set up the ‘Drive the Driver’ welfare fund that is accessible to Cab, Auto and Kaali-Peeli Taxi drivers all over India.

Fuel their cause for donating here.

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Read more: Must-Watch Documentaries During The Lockdown

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