Teachers encourage minds to think, hands to create, and hearts to love. There are a few teachers in our life that we will never forget. We’ll talk about them years later with our friends, will eagerly wait for get-togethers so that we can meet them. We will even tell our stories with them to our children. These teachers are the ones who have made a lasting impression on us, academically yes, but more importantly an impression in our lives. Do you want to be one of these teachers? Read on to learn about the five habits that will make you an effective teacher.
Know Your Students And Parents
The most important thing for being a great teacher is to know your students well. Firstly to learn and understand their strengths and celebrating them publicly. Second is to decipher where they fall short, the skills that they are struggling with, the knowledge or confidence that they lack, it’s your duty to help develop their courage and resilience, and make them believe in their potential.
Thirdly it’s crucial to connect with the students individually. This will help you to discover their hidden talents and link these to these to their learning process. Finally, you need to keep in mind that successful learning for a student is like a partnership, a partnership between the school and home. That’s why it is important for the teachers to learn where their students come from, what’s their background? Who their parents are? Using these tools will make sure that their learning and your teaching is relevant, current, and engaging.
Be Open-minded And Reflect
As a teacher you are always going to be observed, that’s why you should give your 100% at all times. There will be times when you will be criticised, when that happens (and it will) remember to be open-minded and accepting. Instead of feeling low when someone criticises your teaching, receive it constructively, and form a plan of action to implement the feedback and escalate your teaching skills even more. And to be great at anything you need to learn to reflect. Reflect on what went well and what could be done differently to make your teaching up to date and interesting. As a teacher, one of your greatest strengths is the ability to keep learning and constantly working on yourself and improving. There is always more to learn and know.
Mark Your Impression
Creating a first impression with your students is necessary. Like when Harry Potter and his friends first saw Professor McGonagall, the instant pop up in their minds was that this isn’t the kind of teacher that they want to cross or get in her wrong books EVER. Likewise, it’s important to make clear what is expected by you and in your class. Are you the kind of teacher who wants your students to push their limits and turn in their very best? Or are you the easy one who couldn’t care less till the kids are learning what is necessary and having tons of fun? Whatever it is you need to make it very clear from the very beginning. But remember to expect only how much you put in. Because they are kids and after all, they’re going to learn what they see, so, practice what you preach.
Find Inspiration
Creativity is a must-have tool for a teacher. Get into the habit of being creative with your teaching pattern and the resources you have. This is important because each child is unique, and they learn differently. You need to be accommodating with each one of them. But that doesn’t mean you need to create everything from scratch. There’s a lot of stuff readily available out there. As a teacher it’s your responsibility to keep all the windows of learning open, to accommodate it into your curriculum and teaching pattern, and make your class more interactive and enjoyable.
Embrace Changes
A teacher’s responsibility doesn’t end with classroom learning. A great teacher always teaches one great lesson, which leaves a lasting impression on his/her students. But one thing that all the great teachers have in common and also teach their students is the ability to embrace change. They teach them that change is the only constant. Instead of stressing about change, embrace it, and show your students that you are capable to hit every curveball. Show them that life doesn’t always go according to plan and sometimes it’s necessary to go with the flow and enjoy the ride along the way. As a teacher, there is always something new that you can bring into your class every single day. That’s not it, remember that each child is unique and these little monsters also bring something new, unique, and interesting in your class every single time they step through those doors. It’s your responsibility to encourage them and stimulate their creativity, and not just teach them but to learn from them.
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