5 Healthy Recipes That Are Easy On Your Tummy

5 Healthy Recipes That Are Easy On Your Tummy

Treat your stomach with a little love by having easily digestible food
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As per Ayurveda, most diseases are caused due to a problem with digestion, which depends partially on the food we consume. It is very important to avoid food items that are heavy and difficult to digest. It is all the more important when recovering from an illness because even a common viral or bacterial infection can also affect the digestive system making it weak. During this period, it is advisable to have food items that are easy to digest yet healthy and nutritious. This combined with adequate rest and good sleep will ensure a quick recovery.

Ragi Dosa

Ragi is a super healthy substitute if you prefer having dosa for breakfast


1 cup ragi flour

½ cup rice flour

½ cup rava

½ cup curd

1 green chilli, finely chopped

½ teaspoon cumin seeds

8-10 curry leaves




Combine ragi flour, rice flour, rava, curd and salt to taste in a mixing bowl. Add 1½ cups or more water as required to make a thin batter of pouring consistency. Let it rest for 15-20 minutes. Add the chillies, cumin seeds and curry leaves to the batter. Adjust the consistency by adding more water if required. Heat a nonstick pan and grease it with oil. Take a ladle full of batter and pour it on the tawa. Swirl the pan so the batter spreads out evenly. Drizzle a teaspoon of oil and let the dosa cook over medium heat until the sides begin to leave the pan. Flip the dosa and cook on the other side as well. Stir the batter before making the next dosa.

This is a healthy, gluten-free recipe, making it easy to digest. Ragi, which forms the base of the dosa is high in proteins, fibre and antioxidants, making it a holistic meal.


Ragi is a wonder grain that is a great alternate source of calcium to dairy. It is especially useful for children in their growing stage. Being low in sugar content, it helps diabetics by maintaining sugar levels within a safe range. Since ragi is laden in natural iron, it is a great source of haemoglobin, and when consumed in the form of dosa, the tangy sambar provides the perfect accomplice for better absorption. The high fibre content in ragi dosas keeps an overzealous appetite at bay and helps with overall health and weight loss.

Oats Palak Khichdi

Staple Indian comfort food with a healthy twist


2 tablespoons ghee

¼ teaspoon cumin seeds

2-3 cloves

1 green chilli, finely chopped

1 tomato, chopped

1 carrot, chopped

¼ cup green peas

1/3 cup yellow moong dal

¼ teaspoon turmeric powder

½ teaspoon red chilli powder

1 cup plain oats

1 cup finely chopped palak



Heat ghee in a pressure cooker. Add cumin seeds and cloves and when they begin to splutter, add the green chillies and tomato. Sauté for 1-2 minutes and add carrots, peas and moong dal. Mix well and add turmeric and chilli powder. Cook over medium heat for 2-3 minutes until oil starts separating out. Add the oats, palak and salt to taste. Add 4 cups of water and give the mixture a gentle stir. Pressure cook the oats khichdi for 2-3 whistles and serve warm with curd.

Oats and palak are good sources of fibre and may help in preventing constipation.


While Oats khichdi can be cooked with any vegetable, palak adds plenty of iron and keeps cholesterol under control. Oats too are high in fibre content and are powerful antioxidants that help with weight loss. They are also a good source of essential minerals like Magnesium, Phosphorus and Manganese.  Moong Dal is an extremely healthy and a rich source of protein, especially for vegetarians. A homemade bowl of piping hot oats khichdi is the perfect meal for any time of the day if you are combatting heart disease or diabetes.

Doodhi Muthia

We believe Doodhi gets an unnecessarily bad name. This delicious recipe will change your mind


2 cups grated doodhi (bottle gourd)

1 cup coarse wheat flour

¼ cup jowar flour

¼ cup chickpea flour

1 tablespoon chilli ginger paste

¼ teaspoon turmeric powder

1 teaspoon red chilli powder

1 teaspoon sugar

¼ teaspoon baking soda

4 tablespoons oil

1 tablespoon lime juice

2 tablespoons chopped coriander leaves


¼ teaspoon mustard seeds

A sprig of curry leaves


In a mixing bowl combine the doodhi, wheat, jowar and chickpea flour. Add the chilli ginger paste, turmeric powder, chilli powder and sugar. Mix well. Add baking soda and pour 2 tablespoons of oil and lime juice over it. Add coriander leaves and salt to taste. Mix well to get a soft dough. Divide it into 4 parts. Shape all the parts into cylindrical rolls using oil. Place them on a greased tray and steam them for 20 minutes. Let them cool down and cut them horizontally into ½ inch slices. Heat the remaining 2 tablespoons of oil in a pan. Add the mustard seeds and curry leaves and when they begin to splutter, add the muthia. Toss them lightly and sauté over medium heat for 5-7 minutes until they are brown and crispy.


Doodhi has numerous health benefits which are often ignored. An important benefit is that it helps in digestion and treating acidity due to its alkaline content. Since it has extremely low sodium contents it is a blessing for people with BP issues. It is also packed with Magnesium and phosphorus to aid the functioning of our nervous system.  Wheat, jowar and chickpea flour in this recipe are very healthy and also help the digestive process. The whole wheat flour used in the recipe is excellent for diabetics as it does not cause sugar levels in the blood to escalate.

Dalia Upma

Healthy breakfast of the champions


1 tablespoon ghee

¼ teaspoon cumin seeds

1 tomato, chopped

¼ teaspoon turmeric powder

½ teaspoon red chilli powder

½ cup dalia



Heat ghee in a nonstick pan over medium heat. Add the cumin seeds and when they begin to crackle, add tomatoes. Sauté for 2-3 minutes and add turmeric and chilli powder. Add dalia and sauté over high heat for 3-4 minutes. Add 2 cups of water and salt to taste. Mix well and cover the pan. Cook the dalia upma over low heat for around 15 minutes until dalia is soft. Add more water if required. Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and serve warm.


Dalia has always been considered as one of the healthiest ingredients of an Indian pantry. It is loaded with fibre that keeps you satiated for a long time and aids digestion. It helps in flushing out toxins from our system and helps in weight loss. Since it is a good source of protein, it helps in replacing fat in our body with healthy muscles. Dalia also has properties that help treat inflammation in the body and is hence holistic in its benefits.

Sattu Chilla

Nutritious pancakes but with a desi touch


2 cups sattu flour

¼ cup rice flour

1 carrot grated

¼ cup cabbage, finely chopped

2 green chillies, finely chopped

A pinch of turmeric powder

2 tablespoons curd

2 tablespoons chopped coriander leaves



Combine all the ingredients in a mixing bowl. Add water as required to make a thick pouring consistency batter. Heat a nonstick griddle and drizzle some oil over it. Pour a ladleful of batter on the pan and spread it gently. Drizzle some more oil and cook the chilla on both sides until golden brown and crisp on the edges. Serve immediately with chutney or ketchup.


Sattu can be compared to any of the superfoods given its health benefits. It is a rich source of protein and fibre that can improve bowel movements. It cleanses and detoxifies the colon and promotes better absorption of food. Consuming a chilla made from sattu on an empty stomach helps boost the appetite because of minerals like potassium and magnesium that it supplies to the system. By eliminating bloating and boosting metabolism, it also helps promote weight loss and boosts energy levels.

Dr Deepali Kampani is a digital content specialist who weaves health and food through her pen.

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