6 Things To Increase Your Productivity When Working From Home

6 Things To Increase Your Productivity When Working From Home

Doable tips that make sure your productivity meter does not go down while you work from home.
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With the government mandating work from home for all companies in India until the virus outbreak is contained, life as we knew it has completely changed. The way we travel, the way we socialise, even the way we work is no longer the same. Most of us are not even used to being indoors for more than a few hours, leave alone weeks. In addition to this, there is a constant flow of disturbing news related to COVID-19 coming from all sides. Is this taking a toll and affecting your productivity while working from home?

Let’s find out what can really help to keep productivity at a high while working from home.

Don’t work from your bed

First and foremost, find a well-lit spot, which should not be your bedroom. Find yourself a place where you are secluded from the rest of the people in the house, for example, the study. You work from your bed; you lose the battle right away!

Start early
Working From Home

Wake up early and finish earlier. Since you save up a lot of time on the commute, you can use that time to make headway and gain vantage in terms of productivity. If you start early, you can finish early as well which means you have more time to do other things.

Save calls for the afternoon

You shouldn’t have to give yourself too much time to become productive in the morning, but you can give yourself some extra time before working directly with others. If you’re struggling to come up with a reasonable work schedule for yourself as a telecommuter, start with the solitary tasks in the morning. Save phone calls, meetings, and other collaborative work for later, when a majority of your own work is done.

Take breaks
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Taking breaks is an important factor in turn to maintain efficiency and productivity. Make it a point to work for at least 40 minutes at a stretch which should be followed by a 10-minute break. Now what you do meanwhile should be should not be strenuous or exhausting. Get some coffee or chai.

Match your music with the work at hand

During the week, music is the soundtrack to your career. And at work, the best playlists are diverse playlists — you can listen to music that matches the energy of the project you’re working on. Video game soundtracks are excellent at this. In the game itself, this lyric-free music is designed to help you focus; it only makes sense that it would help you focus on your work as well.

Create a to-do list
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Make goals and learn to stick to them. Create a to-do list, mark your objectives and divide them throughout the day. This will help you keep a track of your ongoing progress and tell you about how much more effort and time you need to put in to be more productive. You can download apps too in order to help you keep track of time and work done as well.

Here’s to finishing your work on time, and not finding more excuses!  

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Read more: Meet The Ones Helping Those Hit Hardest By COVID-19

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