Leadership involves people who are highly motivated and can incite or motivate others too. It is the act of motivating others to achieve a common goal. There are several aspects of a good leader which include being sound of mind, imbibing a positive attitude, being honest, reek of confidence, and have the ability to inspire others.
It’s quite possible that you possess all these qualities but may not always be up to mark for your peers because of how you’re feeling. This is why it becomes important for you to take care of your mental health and practice meditation regularly.
Doesn’t hurt to set an example for others, right?
Meditation will help you become a better leader and a person overall. It helps you become a better friend and a listener by helping you keeping calm and keeping others before you. It allows you enough mental space to be creative and inspire others. When you are calm and composed you are more confident which boosts the motivation of your peers and allows them to be more motivated as well.
A good leader is sound mind and will take efficient decisions. One can only do that when they are at peace with themselves.
To practice guidelines here are some general guidelines:-
STEP 1: Find the right position
First thing would involve you to find the most comfortable position to meditate in; preferably sitting. Look for a spot that is quiet, peaceful and in a well-lit area.
STEP 2: Introspect freely
Speak to yourself. How your day was, how you felt throughout the day, Believe in yourself. You know yourself the best.
STEP 3: Breathe deeply at regular intervals
Taking deep breaths will help you calm down. Take deep breaths in slow inhalations and exhalations. As you sit and relax yourself keep inhaling and exhaling to feel better.
Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes. So, take out time for yourself and meditate while you can.
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