In today’s world, we often lament the loss of humanity. People have changed drastically over time. If media is to be believed, humanity is a rare quality alongside bravery. People enjoy forwarding plea messages via WhatsApp or Facebook posts but lack basic human interaction and qualities of goodness and kindness. Given this bleak scenario, a team of three people; a doctor and two of his staff, have given humanity a boost. The trio is on a mission to serve pilgrims journeying to Amarnath.
Every year thousands of pilgrims trek the hills of Uttarakhand, to visit the holy shrine of Amarnath. Each year thousands of devotees, of all ages and genders, trek 3380 meters, over sixty days, to visit this pilgrimage spot in the Himalayas. Since Amarnath is located at a high altitude, many pilgrims fall ill, en route. The lack of proper medical care has led to grave illnesses going untreated even leading to a loss in lives. This year, the health department took the problem seriously and in order to make the journey easy, decided to provide a solution.
What Solution Did The Health Department Provide?
The health department trained 400 doctors with the end goal of serving the pilgrims. After training, the doctors were asked to set up camp at the Mahagun top, 14,500 feet above the sea level. This is one of the higher peaks in the Himalayas. However, due to the high altitude, many doctors and their staff developed hypothermia. As a result, most of them asked to be relocated. Other than one doctor, a nurse, and a pharmacist, the entire team left the hills. The dedicated team of three decided to stay back and serve the needs of the pilgrims.
This behooves the question, ‘what made them stay’? The simple truth is their humanity, goodness, and kindness is what stopped them from leaving the region. According to The Indian Express report, Dr. Magray and his team treat almost 50 patients, every day, during the peak days of the yatra. They have 25 oxygen cylinders and 1 oxygen concentrator. With this basic equipment, they work against all odds and do their best to keep pilgrims fit to continue their journey.
The selfless actions of people like Dr. Magray and his team show despite widespread belief, humanity is not a completely lost cause. As Morgan Freeman says in ‘The Shawshank Redemption’, “Hope is a good thing, the best of things and no good thing ever dies.”
It is important for us to remember this because only then will we realize how hope visits when we expect at least, giving a boost to humanity.
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