How To Create A Vision Board For Your Financial Goals

How To Create A Vision Board For Your Financial Goals

Can you visualize your financial dreams into reality? Read on to know how.
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Some of the most influential people in the world, from Deepak Chopra to Oprah, all believe in the power of manifestation and visualization. We, humans, are visual animals. Although we use our senses equally, “seeing is believing” holds true meaning for us as our eyes comprehend our view of the world. Statistically, those who can picture their goals are 1.4 times more likely to accomplish them. A vision board, as self-explanatory as it is, essentially works as a way for you to physically visualize your goals and dreams. It can help you in all walks of life, from career dreams and self-development aspirations to financial goals and more. When hung in a space where you see it daily, a vision board can breathe life into your aspirations.  

But how can a financial vision board make your dreams come true?  

Finances are something that everybody stresses over since they know the importance of saving money. Every goal you have needs you to consider all monetary factors, may it be studying abroad, starting your own business, or even taking a Euro trip. To add to it, a pandemic has taught us how uncertain life can be and unfortunate situations can arise at any moment. Having set financial goals can build a pathway to success but just having goals isn’t enough. To achieve them, you need to have specific systems and strategies in place.

A financial vision board can help you realize how you can increase your income, save money, or get out of debt by putting them in a visual form. It’s essentially a collage of phrases and pictures that represent your dreams. The old adage “out of sight, out of mind” is true when it comes to our goals. Writing them down is great but if you don’t open that book on a daily basis, your goals will never be at the top of your mind. Creating a vision board reminds you of your reasons to save money and gives you that required boost to keep pushing towards these goals.  

How can you create a financial vision board?  

A money dream board is primarily a collection of images – each tied to a personal life goal – organized according to the amount of money and time it will take for you to reach this goal. This board bridges the mental gap between your finances and your aspirations. The following steps will make the journey smooth for you.  

1. Select images that resonate with you  

Begin with a sizeable collection of images that represent anything in life. From nature, fashion, sports, culture, people, food, anything – not everything will end up in your vision board but a good 20-30 images are a great place to start.    

Lay all the images out in front of you and take a good look at them. Pick the ones that resonate with you in a positive manner, something that aligns with the trajectory of your life you’ve envisioned for yourself. Why pictures work is because they tap into our most primal, basic instinct. Don’t worry if you’re gravitating towards images that aren’t completely finance-related. Just focus on collating a small stack of 10-15 images you feel good about and set them aside.  

2. Identify how each image aligns with your goals  

Don’t focus on the monetary semantics of things when you’re trying to choose images that help you define your life goals. Pick the ones that resonate with you the most, planning how much it’ll cost comes into play in the next step. Uncover your vision by selecting an image from the stack and taking a good look at it. Then, close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths, deep within and a deep exhale. Let the image conceptualize in front of your eyes before asking yourself,  

“Where am I?”  

“What do I see?” 

“How do I feel?”  

“Who is there with me?”  

These questions kick-start our visualization muscles, giving us a push to envision the future we want. As a vision starts forming in front of your eyes, ask yourself more questions. “What do I smell in the air?” Imagining an aroma can help your vision come to life, tapping into your subconscious as you interact with these images. As you uncover various goals, write each of them down in your journal and then say it aloud.  

3. Arrange images based on time and cost  

Now that your images are ready, you’ll need a piece of paper or cardboard that’s large enough to accommodate all of them. You’ll need a pen or a marker and something to stick your pictures with, glue, tape or thumb pins.  

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financial goals
financial vision board
Lay out all of the images to see which ones resonate with you the most. Image | Pexels

The first step is to draw a simple grid on your board, giving you four equally proportionate rectangles. The top half of the board is designated to the goals that would require a significant amount of money, saving, and planning while the bottom half is for the ones that can be achieved at little to no cost.  

Coming to the horizontal alignment, the left half is for the things that can be achieved in the short term while the right half is reserved for your long-term goals. Anything that can be achieved in the next five years needs to sit on the left side of the board.  

4. Keep your visions in sight  

Once your financial vision board is ready, the most crucial part is to place it where you can see it every day. Hanging on the wall in front of your bed, above your work desk, or next to your home study table is a good place to start. Seeing it every day helps you keep these images and the goals that relate to them in mind. It helps you effectively align your finances with your aspirations. The vision board serves as a helping hand, bringing the financial steps required to achieve these goals into focus.  

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financial vision board
financial goals
Keeping your vision board in sight serves as a healthy reminder for you to keep working on your goals. Image | File

As you aim towards financial freedom, the vision board will guide you to realize the right timings for each goal and the level of commitment required to achieve them. Every goal, monetary or otherwise, can help you strengthen your relationship with money. Like if you realized how important it is to get physically fit as you grow older, you’ll also find out how much money you can save through simple lifestyle changes. Similarly, if financial freedom after retirement is one of your goals, you can look for retirement investment options that can help you save tax as well as save up for the future. The goals you have for yourself can only be achieved when systematically planned and a vision board will carve a path that leads you towards success.  

If you’d like to attract financial abundance into your life, try this guided meditation.

How are you working towards your financial goals? Do you agree visualization can help us fulfill our dreams? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Read more: When A Dream Dies: Mourning The Life You Envisioned

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