The new years comes with the promise of achieving new goals and with the past year being much more than just chaotic, there’s no better time to seek a happier state of mind than now.
While we cannot control all the things happening around us, the ability to maximise our happiness will always remain in our own hands.
Here are 8 promises you can make to have a happier relationship with yourself.
Put yourself first
This is the most powerful change you can implement in your life. Many-a-times we curb our selfish interests to care for our loved ones and those around us but while that may be a generous thing to do, don’t forget to do the things that make you happy. Always make sure to take care of your mental and physical health first and never feel guilty for tending to your needs.
Be grateful for your body
When we look back at the lives we’ve lived, no one will ponder on the shape of their body or the rolls of their stomach over the precious memories made. Take this new year to be more grateful for the body that you already have instead of obsessing in front of the mirror over minor imperfections. A simple practice you can follow is to step in front of the mirror every morning and list down the things you find beautiful about your body. This will inculcate a more positive mindset towards your body, helping you appreciate the things you already have instead of obsessing over the things you don’t.
Take time off to travel – SOLO
If you’ve never travelled solo before, it can be a scary prospect at first. But it’s totally worth all the trouble. When travelling by yourself, the reins are in your control, you decide the itinerary, the rules, the destination, the stops in the middle, everything. This makes for the perfect chance for you to explore your likes and dislikes as well as learn more about yourself through exploration.
Consistency over perfection
With a fast-paced world that doesn’t stop for anybody, the need for perfection is an innate one we cannot escape. But we often forget that the key to perfection is to show up over and over again. Trying a task with utmost consistency allows you to figure if it works for you or not. We need to realise that we can’t be perfect at everything but the things we do with consistency can help shape our lives for the better.
Seek physical activity
While a Netflix episode may only last 30 minutes, indulging in physical exercises like a short workout or even a brisk walk can improve your mood and health by reducing your stress levels. By working out every day for at least 30 minutes you’re allowing your body to have a routine of physical activity as well as practising self-discipline by consistently following this routine every day. And as time progresses and you improve yourself, you’ll be looking forward to these 30 minutes.
Know your thinking
Don’t let your mind become a space for overthinking. While many of your thoughts adhere to the practices going on in your daily life, not all of these thoughts require your attention. Whatever you give attention to, you end up declaring it as your experience. Be exclusive with your thoughts and what you choose to think on as, in the end, everything we do is a reflection of our relationship with ourselves. If you go about thinking on things that you don’t require at the moment, you’ll be plagued with thoughts that deserve no space in your mind.
Reconnect with your inner child
As a child, there are many things we explore and grow to love. From playing the guitar or the drums to participating in sports or simply just reading a book, our childhood hobbies shape our lives more than we can imagine. But as we grow older, we lose touch with these simple pleasures. Take up an old childhood hobby to reconnect with yourself. Hobbies help rejuvenate our spirits and open a path for continuous improvement.
Ask for help if you need it
There are no hacks to happiness. We’re all evolving through time, making ourselves better with time and effort. But if at all you feel that you’re stuck or need help, don’t think of it as something to be ashamed of or a moment of weakness. We all need assistance and it’s nothing to feel overwhelmed about. Think of it as a learning experience that will, in the end, help you come out happier.
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