You Are Unique, Embrace Yourself!

You Are Unique, Embrace Yourself!

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To be yourself, content with yourself, and not feel any lesser than others in this envious world, is a true victory! Accepting yourself the way you are and not wanting to be someone else. To learn how to stop comparing yourself to others physically or by their qualities is like entering quicksand, once you’re in getting out of it is really difficult. Of course, someone will possess some quality that you don’t, but celebrate what you have and embrace who you are! This little tale will is the best example to explain this –

How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others Physically:

One day a crow saw a swan and thought he was the most beautiful bird in the world. He believed so until the swan told him that he thought the parrot was the most beautiful bird. The parrot, in turn, told the crow, that he thought the peacock had stunning beauty. But, when the crow asked the peacock, he was amazed at his answer.

how to stop comparing yourself to others physically
You be you! | Image: File Image

According to him, the crow was the luckiest bird in the world! With all its beauty, a peacock is caged for the world to see. But a crow will never be caged. A crow has the gift of freedom.

We are very similar. We always think the other person is the luckiest and has it all. But, that is not entirely true. All of us, have our share of good and bad. It is just a matter of perspective!

Think Right Tips:

Nip it in the bud

The moment you start thinking of what others have, just stop!

Focus on your strengths

Every human has a bit of good and bad. Focus on your strengths and work on your weaknesses.

Limit your time on social media

Do not be fooled by the pictures you see on Instagram or Facebook. They do not tell the entire story.

Be ok with your imperfections

The earlier you accept your flaws, the more you will be able to love and respect yourself.

Be content with who you are

A person happy in his own skin is the happiest of all!

Read more: Glued To Your Gadgets? Break The Habit Today!

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