Loving Kindness Meditation: For The Mind and Soul To Connect

Loving Kindness Meditation: For The Mind and Soul To Connect

There is a type of meditation that will help you give and receive love. Find out how!
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You’re never too short of love to give and there isn’t anything as being too kind to anyone. This technique, of loving-kindness meditation, will allow you to reinvent yourself, and find a deeper meaning of calm and peace. Try this technique to find peace within yourself.   

What is  Loving-Kindness Meditation?     

This is a popular self-care technique that can be used to boost well-being and reduce stress. Practicing this meditation helps you increase your capacity for meditation, forgiveness, connection to others, and self-acceptance. It often takes practice to allow yourself to receive your own love or to send it.  Research shows that Loving-Kindness Meditation has tremendous benefits from greater well-being to providing relief from illness and improving emotional intelligence.     

Benefits of Loving-Kindness Meditation     

  1. Long-term benefits of enhanced positive emotions over a period of 15 months.
  2. Short-term benefits of an increase in feelings of social connections and positivity towards strangers.     
Loving kindness meditation : For The Mind and Soul To Connect
Be loving and kind | Image: File Image

How to get started     

Here is how you can get started with the following meditation steps:   

  • Take out some time for yourself and sit comfortably. Close your eyes, relax your muscles, and take a few deep breaths.      
  • Imagine yourself getting complete physical and emotional wellness and inner peace. Imagine feeling perfect love. Focus on these feelings of inner peace and imagine that you are breathing out tension breathing in feelings of love.      
  • Repeat three or four positive, reassuring phrases to yourself. You can also create your own.     

These positive phrases could be as follows:   

May you live with ease, may you be happy, may you be free from pain.    

May you live with ease, may you be happy, may you be free from pain.   

May you live with ease, may you be happy, may you be free from pain.”   


“May your life be filled with happiness, health, and well-being.   

May your life be filled with happiness, health, and well-being.   

May your life be filled with happiness, health, and well-being.”   

  • Reiterate these phrases to yourself and envision yourself for these people and their feelings.     
  • When you feel that your meditation is complete, open your eyes. Remember that you can revisit the wonderful feelings you generated throughout the day.     

Where can you learn loving-kindness meditation?     

Meditation can be practiced at home with guidance from the internet as well. Here are a few places where you may get some personalized help as well.     

-ThinkRight.Me App : It uses the power of meditation and different mindfulness techniques to help you grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  

-Calm: It allows you to choose how you want to meditate with narrators who guide you through the whole process.  

You can also head over to the following meditation centers:  

-Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh   

– Sri Yoga Ashram, Rishikesh   

– Aurovindo Ashram, Goa   

– Gyan Yoga Ashram, Rishikesh   

Here’s to practicing meditation regularly, and finding love and peace within you.  

Read more: 10 Quotes That Will Inspire You Today And Everyday

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