Here Are All The Answers For Your Exam Fears

Here Are All The Answers For Your Exam Fears

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Relaxation before exam is the key for better performance. Most students feel slightly nervous before an exam. But the board exams are a bit different. For, this is the first time that their question papers are set by unknown teachers. And the corrections also are done by other teachers.

Relaxation before exam: tips and techniques

  • Practice deep breathing. It helps to calm the nerves.
  • Practice muscle relaxation. It helps to calm the physique and mind and enables better performance.
  • Take frequent walks in nature.
  • Relax with family and friends.
  • Think and speak positively.
  • Listen to calming music.
  • Make sure you prepare well.
  • Most important, get a good night’s sleep before the exam.

But relaxation before exam is only possible if all the questions that bother you are answered and put to rest.

Relaxation Before Exam Is Necessary For Better Performance
Relaxation before exam improves the overall performance | Image: File Image

Question 1:

What if there are some changes in the structure and I am not prepared for it?


You don’t need to be worried about this. The board exams have a set pattern that they follow every year. If there are changes they may be very minor. And if any major changes do happen the students will be notified months before the exams.

Question 2:

For the first-time other teachers will set and check my exam papers. What if the teacher is strict? What if they will set a difficult paper or perform a strict check which might reduce my marks?


You should not worry about any of this. Rather concentrate on preparing well for the exams. When you prepare well, and your answers are right, no teacher will reduce your marks.

Question 3:

I am worried that out of syllabus questions may be asked in the exams, which will reduce my marks. What should I do about that?


Stop distracting yourself over all this. Practice previous years’ or sample question papers.

Question 4:

Even after preparing well I am still scared. What if I don’t perform well in the exams?


The best way is to keep your confidence level high. And this is where relaxation before exam comes in handy. Because relaxing and letting go of all the stress and worry will enable you to perform better in the exams.

There might be many other questions. But the key is not to get disturbed by these questions and giving it your best. If you need any help go to some experienced person, your parents, teachers, or older siblings. They will definitely help you feel and do better.


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