When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Gets Going

When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Gets Going

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Humanity is the backbone of civilization. Selfless acts may be one of the reasons humanity has been able to survive and flourish for so long. However, have we ever thought that doing a good deed, may be a way to help ourself. That, staying positive when life is hard is the true spirit to live life.

Recent Studies:

Research suggests that spreading a little sunshine might be a good way to become resilient. According to a study from the University of Otago in New Zealand, small acts of kindness shown towards victims after a tragedy, also strengthen the resilience of the person doing that act of kindness.

staying positive when life is hard
Help others to help yourself |Image: File Image

There are ample examples to support this. One such, is the Christchurch terror attacks, where people donated home-cooked meals and cared for the survivors. Not only did the victims benefit, but so did the benefactor.

Staying Positive When Life Is Hard:

Social work and charity allows us to confront the challenges we face in our own lives. We sustain our well-being by being invested and by contributing. People who are unexpectedly hit by adversity tend to struggle for a while.

It can take months or years to recover after a traumatic event, but then they bounce back. However, despite all the gloominess surrounding the tragedy, definitely teach us to be resilient.

Economic Aspect of Adversity:

Policy makers should know what the common response to adversity is. With this knowledge they can aid people and also avoid any self-blame.

Read more: Nahida Manzoor – Scaling New Heights

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