Focused-Attention Meditation To Help Increase Productivity and Mindfulness

Focused-Attention Meditation To Help Increase Productivity and Mindfulness

Need to work on your attention span? Here is how you can!
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Meditation should be a healing process. A process that involves introspection and helps you understand yourself better. Added benefits can also include increasing productivity and mindfulness. One of the various techniques which can be used is focused-attention meditation. A technique that can add to the skillset you already possess. It’s also a technique that may help you believe in yourself and build confidence to try and achieve whatever you have in mind.  

What Is Focused-Attention Meditation?     

Focused meditation can be a useful tool for people who want to try meditation for stress relief. This meditation style allows you to focus your attention on an object, sound, or sensation rather than trying to achieve a clear mind without a specific focal point. You do not need an instructor for the same which makes it accessible to anyone with a few minutes of time, something to focus on, and a quiet place.      

Being able to exercise focused attention simply means being able to direct your attention, becoming aware of your mind has wandered, and then being able to redirect it and focus. Focused meditation helps to increase productivity and mindfulness.

Benefits Of Focused-Attention Meditation     

  1. It helps reduce stress.
  2. It sharpens your cognition.
  3. It increases attention span.
  4. It’s a great way to introspect.  
  5. It can help control anxiety.
  6. It can help enhance self-awareness.
  7. It can help you focus on the present moment.
  8. It can help increase creativity and imagination.
  9. It can help increase patience and tolerance.
  10. It can expand your mind and help you find more peace.
Focused-attention meditation

How To Get Started     

Getting started with this technique is as easy as other meditation techniques. Here’s how you can begin:-   

  1. Choose a target of your focus 
  2. Get into a comfortable position
  3. Relax your body     
  4. Turn your attention to a chosen target 
  5. Calm your inner voice     
  6. Don’t worry about failure     

While following all of this keep in mind that to help develop a practice that is tailored to your experience, enjoyment, and environment you need to give it time. Start off with shorter sessions and keep alternating with different meditation methods. Choose a time that suits you well and stick to it.      

Where Can You Learn Focused Meditation?    

You can practice this at a time and place of your comfort and convenience. You can also take a break from your work for 5 minutes and practice focused meditation or after a workout.   

3 Meditations That Can Help Improve Your Focus & Productivity 

1. Improve Productivity by Vidisha Kaushal

Take a few minutes to realign with your inner self and get back on track. Sit in a comfortable position with your spine straight but not taut. You can either sit on the floor or a chair if you prefer that. Make sure your shoulders are relaxed and not hunched or pulled towards the ceiling. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Take a few deep breath till you feel yourself calming down. With each breath, concentrate your energy on feeling confident and positive.

Start the meditation here.

2. Concentrate for Calm & Focus by Tyagi Shurjo

Make sure that you’re sitting in a comfortable position. Close your eyes. Keep them soft with the eyelids resting gently. Straighten your spine and check the position of your shoulders. Don’t bend your neck, make sure that your chin is slightly upturned as you channelize your energy to the point between your eyes. Take three gentle breaths to calm your mind and align yourself with the rhythm of your breathing pattern. Relax your mind and concentrate all your energy to focus on the task that you want to complete. Breathe in, breathe out and let go of all the tension.

Start the meditation here.

3. Widening Our Mind by Amitabh Swetta

Feeling out of control in this fast-paced world? Take a few minutes to get back on track. Give yourself permission to take the next few moments to focus only on yourself and your emotional wellbeing. Get comfortable wherever you are. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Concentrate your energy on feeling confident and positive.

Start the meditation here.

Hope this helps in achieving your goals, increasing productivity, and finding peace within yourself.   

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