5 Lessons To Love: Todd Stottlemyre’s The Observer

5 Lessons To Love: Todd Stottlemyre’s The Observer

Learn life changing ideas with the beautifully narrated book by Todd Stottlemyre.
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“Be someone who always gets up, no matter how many times you get knocked down.” This is the base lesson that Todd Stottlemyre portrays in his book The Observer. Todd is a two times World Series champion and later turned into an accomplished Wall Street asset manager. He is also the founder of a private equity fund, a motivational speaker, and a success coach.   

In this very interesting book, we follow our 38-year-old protagonist, Kat, as she crashes head-on into her mid-life crisis. When it comes to success Kat has the tendency to steamroll anything that comes in her way, even her own son. As the plot deepens Kat reaches a crossroad where she has to make a choice. She has to choose between, changing her thinking and accepting what she has done wrong or keep behaving the way she is and risk losing everything.

Here are 5 lessons that we’ve learnt from this book 
The art of letting go 

In this hasty world with the flat-out lifestyle that we’ve all gotten used to we often times become incapable of moving on. We intentionally or unintentionally carry the past baggage with us into tomorrow. In order to change personally, professionally or as a society it is imperative that we learn to let go. Carrying the past baggage just hinders your growth. In the book Todd explains how letting go sets you up for future success.  

Learn to forgive 

Before you learn to let go you need to learn the art of forgiveness. You need to understand and accept the fact that you are not always going to get the apology that you deserve, but nonetheless, you need to forgive and move on. In the book, our protagonist learns why forgiveness is more about you and less about the other person. As we follow Kate through the tale we learn the miracles of forgiveness.

Being in the moment 

This might seem cliché, but it is also one thing that all of us tend to forget as we chase one thing after another. Our busy lives have trained us to react upon stimuli instead of taking a step back. As the story progresses our protagonist learns the importance of granting oneself permission to pause, and take a few minutes to better understand and assess the situation. Todd gives a simple tip to document the situation for seven days instead of responding to it. This helps you alter your thought process and deliver the best outcome.  

The LSGT principle 

This principle is all about leveraging the power of – learning, studying, growing and training – to help you embrace your failures and convert them into steppingstones. Remember that failures are nothing but experiences that help you succeed. And mastering the LSGT technique sets you up to systematically understand and learn from your setbacks.  

The 180-degree mindset  

Our thoughts create our reality. And creating the right thoughts has become a major part of any mindfulness practice. Todd very easily explains the basic need to change our thoughts to work for us and make our life better. All this by working on the mindset and observing the thought patterns. It’s all about deleting the harmful ones and converting them to something completely opposite that works for you.  

Who is this book for?  

This book is a must-read for anyone who is looking to connect with themselves mentally and emotionally. And for those who don’t like reading hardcore self-help books, the easy and fun storytelling of this book is sure to engage you.  

Where can you get it?  

The Observer is available in all the major bookstores offline, online and on kindle. The audiobook is also available on Audible.      

Book Title: The Observer by Todd Stottlemyre 

Publication: Made For Success 

Price: ₹1,154 

The Observer touches upon many other life lessons. What are you waiting for? Read it now and create the life you want!

Read more: For A Better Sleep Listen To This Meditation

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