What Are The Positive Effects Of Meditation On Physical Health? 

What Are The Positive Effects Of Meditation On Physical Health? 

We know that meditation is good for our mental health, but here’s why it can be an asset for your physical health too.
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Meditation is becoming increasingly popular in the modern times and as more and more people discover the many benefits they are beginning to include it in their daily routines. Mindfulness practices have been around for centuries and mental benefits of meditation are well-known, modern science has only recently discovered a compelling effects of meditation on one’s physical well-being. 

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by thoughts and emotions in today’s fast paced world. Day-to-day work and interactions can result in emotional overload, which often results in stress and anxiety – and we all know the havoc this can wreak on our health. Experts around the world concur that practicing a few minutes of meditation every day can make all the difference. The effects of meditation on physical and mental health are well-documented and very convincing.  

Here are Five of Our Favourite Effects of Meditation on Physical Health

1. A Healthy Heart 

Practicing meditation daily helps improve blood circulation, lower the heart rate and help maintain a healthy heart. It also reduces inflammation. Since inflammation is a major reason for chronic heart ailments reducing inflammation is essential for improved heart health. A study by Wisconsin-Madison University has discovered that meditation, along with dietary and exercise programs, helps reduce underlying inflammatory processes. 

2. Improves Sleep 

Nearly 33% of the adult population is struggling with insomnia globally. Recent studies show that people who meditated on a regular basis had better sleep cycles, stayed asleep longer and had improved insomnia severity, compared to the rest.  


Becoming an expert in meditation may help you control and redirect the racing or runaway thoughts that often lead to insomnia. Additionally, effects of meditation include, body relaxation, releasing tension and placing you in a peaceful state in which you’re more likely to fall asleep. 

3. Helps Control Physical Pain 

The physical pain you feel is majorly dependent on your perception of pain and is relatively connected to your state of mind, and it can be elevated in stressful conditions. Recent research suggests that making meditation a part of your daily routine could be beneficial for controlling pain. 

Meditation can diminish the perception of pain in the brain and assist in a paradigm shift. It helps treat chronic pain when used in addition and to supplement medical care or physical therapy. 

Must-Read: Can Meditation Improve Mental Health & Prevent Illness?

4. Can Decrease Blood Pressure 

Meditating daily can help improve physical health by reducing strain on the heart. Over time, high blood pressure makes the heart pump out blood harder and faster, which can lead to poor heart function. 

Narrowing of the arteries, is a major drawback of high blood pressure which can lead to heart attack and stroke. Daily practice of meditation assists in controlling blood pressure by relaxing the nerve signals, blood vessel tension, and the “fight-or-flight” response that increases alertness in stressful situations. 

Blood pressure decreases not only during meditation but the effects of meditation last over time in individuals who meditate regularly. This can reduce strain on the heart and arteries, helping prevent heart disease. 


5. Improves The Immune System 

While the research in this area isn’t very extensive, current data suggest that regular meditation can boost your immune system.  

Meditation can give your mind and body a break from any stress you experience on a daily basis, and the pause gives your immune system a chance to reset. But it’s essential to remember that meditation isn’t a all-encompassing solution for keeping your immune system healthy. The effect of meditation on the immune system is closely intertwined with your diet and day-to-day life. 

Think of meditation as way to slow down, pause and relax your body. With constant practice and continued improvement you can train your brain to be more resistant to the effects of stress. 

You will start noticing the soothing and calming effects of meditation quite soon if you practice it regularly and properly. 


JNR The Journal of Nursing Research

Mayo Clinic

Positive Psychology

The Calm Technique by Paul Wilson

How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body by David R Hamilton

Read More: What Is A Mental Health Crisis & How To Be Prepared For It?

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