Arunachal Pradesh’s Pickle Queen Empowers Housewives
Yade Dujom is an unstoppable force. Brought up by her maternal grandmother, she managed to beat the odds against her by being always positive. Today, she is the proud owner of Arunachal Pickle House.
“My life has been full of struggles. After my mother’s death, my younger sister and I were sent to our granny’s house. She was all alone and she eked out a living by toiling in the field. As years rolled by and we grew up, we started helping her in the field but she died one day. I had just passed class 8 then,” Yade recalls.
She worked as a social worker before starting her enterprise. She also briefly worked as a teacher at a private school.
Through her smallscale business, she has been able to help eight people, mostly housewives. Some of them are suppliers of raw material. After the products are sold, she shares a part of the profit among them. She sys she has plans to upgrade her business, but hasn’t been able to visit the investors due to the pandemic.
More power to Yade and hope she makes her business a big success!
Farm Labourer’s Son Becomes A Senior Scientist At ISRO
Fighting all odds, Somnath fought his way up to achieve his dream of becoming a scientist. Scholarships, loans, and a helping hand from his professor, Vinayak Paricharak landed him the position of a senior scientist at ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation.) He said, “When I was a student, I had no clue about engineering or a career as scientist. If I had not gone to Pandharpur (for junior college) or if Paricharak sir had not helped me, it would have been really difficult for me to get a decent job. Education and knowledge of opportunities is the only way to lift villages from poverty.”
We wish him good luck and we hope he inspires many with his story!
Victims Of Crime Will Now Find Comfort With ‘Lol’
‘Lol’ a French court dog has been soothing anxious victims of crime in the courtroom for the past 2 years now. Prosecutor Frederic Almendros heard about a similar experiment in the US and decided to give it a try in his court. “Lol has been trained to nuzzle up next to victims, and that physical touch reassures them and helps them confront the legal challenges they will face,” says Alexia Mesthe, who runs a local branch of a national charity called France Victims. Him sitting next to the victims in the court has a lot of times helped the victims to handle stress of the trail. So far Lol has appeared in 80 different criminal investigations. We hope Lol continues to spread more joy and comfort!
Bihar Sets Up Its First Transgender Shelter Home In Patna
Good news is in order, as India celebrates June as the ‘Pride Month,’ Bihar has taken a huge step towards integrating transgender people into mainstream society. Set up under the ‘Garima Greh’ scheme of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, the home aims to make them self-sufficient by empowering them with skill training programmes. “We will also introduce computer literacy programme, language courses and entrepreneurship skills. Besides, we will start coaching to prepare transgender people for the recruitment in police services under the proposed separate police battalion for them,” said Reshma Prasad, the convener of the organisation. More power to all of them!
Farmers Now Use Floating Gardens To Keep Crops Alive When it Floods
Bangladesh’s floating gardens began hundreds of years ago. The gardens are made from native plants that float in the rivers—traditionally, water hyacinths—and operate almost like rafts, rising and falling with the waters. Historically, they were used to continue growing food during rainy seasons when rivers filled with water.
Floating gardens are also in use in parts of Myanmar, Cambodia, and India. The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization has named Bangladesh’s floating gardens a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System.
Read previous week’s news here.