Cautious Hope: Two Words Synonymous To 2022 

Cautious Hope: Two Words Synonymous To 2022 VP & Editor-in-Chief shares the lessons 2022 taught her and how she’s preparing for a hopeful year ahead.
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At the beginning of 2022, the world was filled with two words, Cautious Hope. Hope, because without it humanity has nowhere to go, and caution because of what we had gone through collectively.  

Taking our first steps after a pandemic that brought the entire world to a grinding halt, all of us were hopeful yet cautious. Some wanted to bounce right back and claim what was always theirs. Some wanted to take it slow, observe, and absorb the new, slow pace of living. For some, it was about facing the grief that never got closure and for some, it was time to celebrate life in its full glory. Whatever it was that we were going through, one thing was common to all. We all wanted to start living again in 2022.  

But the year had its own plans. What started with caution and hope was soon peppered with events that we couldn’t have envisioned despite having lived through a pandemic. A war, monkeypox, human rights protest, understanding the birth of a star and our universe, images of the black hole, the birth of the 8th billion baby, humankind’s quest to conquer outer space, the origin of the galaxy, revenge tourism, paying kindness forward and so much more. 2022 was a year of new words, new phrases, and a lot of learning and relearning. 

jyoti kumari goodbye 2022
Jyoti Kumari, VP & Editor-in-Chief,

30 Things That 2022 Taught Me 

  1. Change is always a good thing. Don’t fear it. There’s always a lesson to learn. Whether good or bad, it will always be a part of your life experience.  
  1. Celebrate all that you can and more importantly all those you can. If one thing 2022 taught all of us is that nothing is permanent.  
  1. It’s never too late to start again.   
  1. Showing kindness is not a thing you do, it’s an emotion you live with.  
  1. Sunshine is highly underrated. Step outside, take a break. Stand in the sun for a bit. UV rays are harmful but not being outdoors is worse.   
  1. Phone calls over messages. No emoticon can match the feelings you can hear on a phone call.  
  1. “I love you.” “I appreciate you.” We don’t say this enough but there is no better day than today to start.  
  1. Turning up for people is far more important than being the guest-of-honour. Just show up. Support others.  
  1. Be kind. Always.  
  1. Ask for help when you need it. Most people are more than willing to pitch in. All you need to do is ask.  
  1. Have faith and more importantly, have patience.  
  1. Give yourself credit. Appreciate your efforts and progress.  
  1. Don’t let anyone kill your spirit and don’t do that to others. We rise by raising each other.  
  1. Don’t ignore your feelings. Good, bad, ugly, and even intolerable, learn to acknowledge and accept them. Only then can you work with them.  
  1. Therapy is for life. Be open when it comes to you. Be supportive when it’s for others.  
  1. Grow something. Watching a plant grow, or a flower bloom gives a special kind of joy. Experience it once.  
  1. Don’t be apologetic for your happiness and success. Take pride in what you have achieved.  
  1. Greet people with a smile. You don’t even know how you can lift their spirit  with a simple smile.  
  1. It’s ok to call out things that don’t work. And it’s completely fine to walk away from people who make you feel uncomfortable.  
  1. Pay attention to the words you use. Your daily vocabulary is setting the tone of your life.  
  1. The power of hydration. If you are feeling down, try sipping water, if you’re feeling uneasy about your physical being, try moisturising. As trivial as it sounds, there’s nothing more magical than the power of hydration.  
  1. Eat with joy. Whether it’s a bowl of salad, your favourite pizza or ghar ka daal chawal, eat all of it with joy. Chew your food with intention, feel its flavours and wait for your mouth to be empty before taking that next bite. Trust me, you will be a different person.  
  1. Go for a walk without agenda. It’s an old one for me but I revisited it this year when I moved to a new city once again. Looking at houses, exploring the by lanes, making friends with the strays, all these trigger joy in us. Just step out. 
  1. Do not multi-task. Do things with intention and attention. Period. 
  1. You won’t always have all the answers. You won’t always know what to do next. And that’s ok. You learn, you grow.  
  1. Say “Thank you!” more often. Trust me we don’t do it enough.  
  1. Dry brushing is not a fad. Do it regularly and you will feel a huge difference in the way your skin behaves.  
  1. Don’t let go of friends. They might be busy and so are you but it’s worth sending that meme even if they don’t answer your call. Stay connected.  
  1. Families can be difficult. You say we don’t get to choose our family but remember, it’s the same for them. Make it work. Find a way.  
  1. Learn along the way. Nothing is permanent. I used to wear a band in a chain around my neck that said, “This too shall pass.” In my angst-ridden 20s, it was more about the bad times but now I know what it truly meant. All times, good or bad eventually get over. You learn to go with the flow and evolve.  

Be good 2023. We are looking forward to learning from you.  

Read More: Starting 2023 Single? These 6 Benefits May Surprise You

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