College Dropout Sets An Example

College Dropout Sets An Example

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Sometimes, a gesture can have unexpected results. Husain Saify’s father gave him a computer in the hope his twelve-year-old son would learn something. He didn’t expect his son would use his computer skills to eventually create a business, with a turnover of Rs 1crore.

A gameplan

Initially, Bhopal-based Husain just played games on his computer but he conceptualized an idea to allow people free game downloads. He attended website designing classes and asked his father to get a 500MB net connection at home. He continued learning about website building and coding via YouTube. Later, Husain used his newly acquired skills to work on a free song and video downloading site called FormatGuru. Unfortunately, copyright issues led to its eventual closure. That’s when Husain realized the importance of net privacy.

Not giving up

Husain built a closed social network website called ‘Trendyfi’ with his PHP and JavaScript learnings and asked programmers to test out his site. His website had many bugs and errors and was easily hacked. He was trolled as the “kid who stumbled into programming”. Husain was not deterred and owed to learn more about programming.

Image: Your Story

Birth of Hackerkernal

Husain gained experience in website development by undertaking small projects in website designing, on a professional basis. He acquired the HackerKernal domain and populated the site with his projects so he could get more jobs. He joined a BCA course but eventually dropped out to focus on his work. Speaking to The Better India, Husain said his parents wanted him to graduate, but he preferred to let work become his priority.

Growing HackerKernal

As his business grew, Husain’s friends, Rithik Soni and Yash Dabi, joined as co-founders. The quantum of work needed more hands. Though Rithik and Yash had only basic computer knowledge, they worked hard gaining the required experience and skills to teach others. HackerKernal provides mobile and web application development services to over 200 companies globally, including countries like India, USA, Japan, and Dubai. Their turnover this year crossed the Rs 1 crore mark.

Husain believes there is no substitution for hard work. He said, “I have worked for 18 to 20 hours a day to reach where I am. Put in your best efforts and the glory will follow. Take risks, but ensure they are calculated by weighing the pros and cons.”

Husain’s determination to succeed outweighed his failures and downfalls leading to his eventual success. His life is a lesson worth emulating.


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