Relationships are not always easy. They require love, commitment, respect, dedication and lots of patience from all involved. Especially if it’s about the parents of your spouse. In a country like ours, where joint families and daily interactions with the in-laws are the norm, it is crucial to develop a great equation with your in-laws.
While love and respect are the key ingredients, following these tips will also come in handy to develop a great equation with your in-laws.
Keep your spouse out of it
The worst thing you can do is pull your spouse in the middle of an argument. Do not make them choose sides or pick who they love more. Always remember, you cannot blame your spouse for something their parents have done.
Avoid extra-volatility
When you are disappointed by your in-laws, do not escalate the situation. Becoming extra volatile never helps anyone. Because once you say something hurtful you can never take it back. Hence, the relationship is scarred forever.
Give them some responsibility
After a certain age, people no longer have the same busy routine they used to in their younger days. It is important to make them feel wanted. Give them something to do that you feel they will enjoy. Be it helping with the kids or organising some family events. Parents need to feel needed and appreciated.
Take out time
It is essential to take out time and pick the right place where you and your family can have some family time together.
Remember to take the high ground
Always remember, that no matter what they are your parents. Never disrespect them. For starters, you are setting a bad example for your children. Also, treating them with love and patience, just might change their attitude towards you.
The best solution to every misunderstanding is to communicate. Most people are well-intended but are misunderstood.
Show interest in their activities
Make your in-laws feel loved and accepted. Take an interest in the activities they enjoy. This will create a special bond between the two of you.
True at times some in-laws are difficult to handle. But, fighting and being rude and disrespectful is not the answer. Not only will this spoil your relationship with your spouse, but it will also affect the value system you raise your kids in.
Read more: 10 Easy Steps To Let Go Of Regrets And Forgive Yourself
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