How To Make Your Daily Work More Meaningful?

How To Make Your Daily Work More Meaningful?

How to find work that matters, build your skills, and live a happier life.
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Many of us struggle with finding meaning. And why shouldn’t we? Days get packed with responsibilities and distractions and we end up feeling simply swept along by its current, rather than in control of how we spend our time. 

However, meaning is one of those things that is hard to define, but once discovered has far-reaching benefits. 

Meaning gives us a purpose for getting out of bed in the morning. It makes us energised, excited, and more productive at work. And in one study, researchers discovered that people who prioritise meaning over happiness actually end up being happier in the long-term. 

The three most commonly referenced pillars of a meaningful career are

Purpose: How motivated do you feel by your life goals?  

Comprehension: How able are you to understand and make sense of your life experiences and weave them into a coherent whole? In other words, how easy is it for you to see your own life story? 

Mattering: How much do you believe that your work is significant and valued? 

Meaning isn’t something you either have or don’t have. It’s an approach to life and to your career. It’s a mind-set more than a behavioural trait. In fact, simply prioritising meaning in your career can lead to improved performance, commitment, and job satisfaction. 

How To Make Your Daily Work More Meaningful?
How To Make Your Daily Work More Meaningful? | Image: File Image
How to build a meaningful career? 
Understand your interests, values, skills, and preferred work style 

To build a meaningful career, you need to first understand what type of work you have an authentic connection to. 

Find a like-minded community by sharing what you’re working on 

A large part of finding work that is meaningful, involves connecting what you’re doing to a bigger purpose. However, sometimes we don’t know what the purpose is right away. 

What makes our work meaningful? For many of us, this question rarely even enters our minds. Work is work. It supports other facets of our life, like raising a family or pursuing our hobbies. 

However, with a third of our life spent working, isn’t it worth the effort to try to make it a better, more meaningful experience? 

Do give these methods a try and let us know what works for you.

Read more:  5 Easy Ways To Reduce Your Screen Time

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