5 Easy Ways To Reduce Your Screen Time

5 Easy Ways To Reduce Your Screen Time

Our mobile addiction is spiraling out of hand. These tips will help you keep your screen time in check.
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Today, adults and kids alike, are using their phones in an uncontrollable way. The lockdown added to this problem, and phones became our only way to get in touch with the outside world. All of us at some point have tried to reduce our screen time, be it with a social media detox, or keeping a tab on the number of times we check our phones. But has it really worked? We’re guessing no.

Why is it so difficult to restrain our use of phones?
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People are getting disconnected from the real world by living an online life | Image: File Image

Take a look at what the figures say.

  • On average a person touches his/her phone about 4617 times a day.
  • Most people spend 3 to 4 hours a day just on their phones.
What’s the harm being done?

As more and more people are using their phones in an unrestrained way, physical and mental diseases are also on a rise. Some of these are,

  • Weakening of the culture of direct talking and the social fabric.
  • Negative changes in routine, sleeping, and walking patterns.
  • Unhealthy comparing with others, leading to stress and anxiety.
  • Unregulated emotions in children who spend a lot of time on their gadgets.
  • Increased chances of obesity, problems with memory, and forgetfulness.
    These are just a few of the many flip sides of using your phone all day.
What can be done about this?
1. Consciously distance yourself from gadgets

Select any day in a week. If you’re a working professional, then a weekend would probably be ideal. Engage in any activity, go outdoors, or do anything you like. But distance yourself from your phone, laptop, and other gadgets. Go explore the world outside of your white screen. Do this for a month, and see the results for yourself.

2. Apps that kill phone addiction

As ironic as it may sound, today there are apps that help you cut off the time you use your phone. For instance, Space, Forest, Screen Time, Moment, are great to keep your screen time in check.

3. Do you charge your phone near your bed?
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Refrain from using your phone in the bed | Image: File Image

Having a plug point near your bed increases your chances of developing insomnia and irritability. Always have the habit of either keeping your phone outside the bedroom or on flight mode when you go to your bedroom.

4. Change your phone settings

Some subtle changes can keep you from reaching out to your phone again and again. You can do some of these things –

Set a longish password.

Keep your phone on Do Not Disturb

Turn your notifications off.

Remove the lesser-used or unused app from your home screen.

5. Use your phone to connect with people in the traditional way

Use your phone as a way to stay connected, not the only way to stay connected. Ditch meeting only via video calls, make plans for a fun brunch with your friends. Instead of always sending WhatsApp messages, revisit the joy of writing letters to your loved ones.

According to the Gross Happiness Index, the lesser we depend on technology, the happier we are.

Build these easy habits to stay away from gadgets, reduce your screentime, and slowly you’ll notice how content and blissful your life is.

Read more: Give Your Senses A Break With These Breathtaking Drone Images From Around The World

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