Join Us For Free Yoga Day Workshops With Renowned Yoga Experts

Join Us For Free Yoga Day Workshops With Renowned Yoga Experts

Learn everything about health, yoga, wellness, and mental fitness in Yoga Day workshops with TRM experts from 17th to 23rd June.
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With International Yoga Day around the corner, what better way would be to celebrate it than to learn from famous yoga experts and get some necessary insight into the practice through live workshops, Instagram conversations and events? 

The world has opened its arm to the practice of yoga and we are going to take it a notch higher with educational and mindful workshops by Pooja Nidadavolu, Nishtha Bijlani, Sanket Pai, Smriti Shukla, and Vidisha Kaushal.   

Schedule from 17th to 23rd June


8.00 am IST, 17th June

“Variations of Surya Namaskar” – An exclusive morning Live Yoga session to feel relaxed, de-stress, improve flexibility, and learn the variations of the traditional Surya Namaskar with Pooja Nidadavolu.   

yoga day workshop pooja nidadavolu

7.30 pm IST, 20th June

“Yog Nidra for Restful Sleep” – Unwind after a stressful day with a mindful Yog Nidra practice to help you relax and set an intention for the upcoming day guided by Nishtha Bijlani.

yoga day workshop nishtha bijlani


8.00 am IST, 19th June

A live energising morning Bhajan and Chanting session to start the day on a positive note with Smriti Shukla.    

yoga day workshop smriti shukla

11.30 am IST, 23rd June

An engaging Instagram Live with Life Coach Sanket Pai followed by a special Q&A session.   

yoga day workshop sanket pai

Registration for all workshops is mandatory. You can register here.

Read More: 7 Habits That Help Break Negative Self-Talk Patterns

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