A Fisherman Saves Many Lives

A Fisherman Saves Many Lives

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It is believed, God sends angels during times of despair. Anupam Baru showed how he is one, by using the presence of mind and a prompt decision, to save many lives from perishing. He is now being hailed as one of the real life heroes in India.

Sensing danger

The 54-year-old fisherman is a resident of Nandanpur Kerarpara village, 17 km from Jalpaiguri. As per his routine, at 7.30 amBaru went to the Jalpaiguri railway station, from where he left to go fishing. He waited by pillar 20/9 when he noticed something unusual on the railway tracks; a long stretch of tracks did not have pandrol clips, which attach the carriages to the tracks. Baru estimated 27 missing clips.

Quick response

Anupam knew of two trains that would shortly pass on the tracks; the Haldibari-NJP Passenger train and the Haldibari-Kolkata Superfast Express. Realizing the urgency, Anupam decided to do something. Since he lived close by, he rushed home and grabbed a piece of red cloth. As fate would have it, the first train was approaching the defective tracks just as he returned with his makeshift flag. Waving the red cloth, he ran towards the train trying to catch the driver’s attention. He was spotted and realizing there was something wrong, the driver applied the brakes and brought the train to a stop.

Real Life Heroes In India - Anupam Baru Remains Unsung No-more

A passenger’s point of view

It took the railway staff team an hour and a half before they arrived to fix the tracks. Harisadhan Das a frequent passenger on that route said, “When the train stopped near Nandanpur Kerarpara Halt station, I understood something was wrong… It was a close shave for us.”

The declaration

After the incident, the RPF Inspector Musahari investigated the reason for the crisis. The Haldibari station manager confirmed the pandrol clips had been stolen and it was thanks to Anupam a terrible mishap was averted.

Anupam’s presence of mind is commendable. He is definitely one of the real-life heroes in India. For his bravery and humane actions. People like him make a difference by their prompt action in the face of danger.


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