Setting Boundaries To Let Go Of Anxiety

Setting Boundaries To Let Go Of Anxiety

Set definitive guidelines in your everyday life to overcome stress triggers.
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Setting boundaries with yourself can be harder than setting boundaries with other people. Working on yourself is an incredibly challenging and ongoing process that starts with holding ourselves accountable. Having firm boundaries in every aspect of life will help you stand up for yourself, manage stress, and create healthier relationships. Start by setting small boundaries like these that surround both mental and physical health.  

1. Set Non-Negotiable Time for Yourself  

Define a set period each day and call this your non-negotiable “me time”. Share your intentions with family and friends and stay firm on your goal so they hear your boundary loud and clear. Use this time to focus on your goals, like better health and fitness or self-care.   

2. Speak Up for Yourself  

Although it’s not always easy to speak up, giving a voice to your opinions even on a single occasion can be a good point to start. Voicing your thoughts can do wonders for communicating your emotions more effectively and alleviating stress.

3. Set Boundaries with Family Members  

It’s especially crucial to define boundaries with people you live with and see daily like your family. While we’ve already talked about carving out time to focus on your goals, to achieve them, it’s crucial to set boundaries within your household as well to supplement your effort. This includes the support and assistance of family members in respecting your practices.   

4. Power of Saying No  

If you think of yourself as a people pleaser who says yes to everything, work on setting a boundary to learn to say no when a situation doesn’t seem right to you. Instead of feeling pressure, saying no, and staying firm will help reduce a great deal of burden and stress.   

5. Take a Moment  

Instead of reacting to situations impulsively in the heat of the moment, take some time to pause. It gives you enough time to evaluate if you want to commit to something or respond to someone’s request. Giving yourself that space would help you make a more informed decision that’s aligned with your personal boundaries.   

6. Remove Yourself 

Excusing yourself in uncomfortable situations that don’t conform with your personal beliefs is an important form of respecting your boundaries and will make you feel more centred. 

Setting these boundaries and holding yourself accountable at the end of each day is essential for overall health and lowering stress. With regular practice, it can create a massive shift in your life towards greater happiness and healthier relationships.   

Read more: 5 Protein Rich Recipes To Accelerate Recovery

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