UK citizens Ross and Liam are regular visitors of the UNESCO Heritage site of Hampi since 2015. They make a visit every alternate year to India and make sure that Hampi is part of their trip. Camping around the heritage site is part of their itinerary for every trip they make to India.
They usually camp there for 15 days to a month. Over the years, they have made friends with their travel guide Virupaksha.
Ross and Liam kept in touch with Virupaksha through WhatsApp all the time, and they’ve become such good friends that Virupaksha took them to his brother’s wedding and the holy fair at his native on earlier visits. Every time Ross and Liam were in Hampi they would stay in a guesthouse where Virupaksha worked as an English guide. The guesthouse was demolished last year and Virupaksha lost his job; the same time when COVID struck India and has left the poor guide unemployed since then.
Since then, Ross and Liam have transferred money twice to Virupaksha’s account; and he, in turn, has also helped his own villagers in Hanumanhalli. Each time he bought a ration kit that would suffice a family for a month and distributed to around 100 families.
Virupaksha believes that he was just doing his job as a travel guide and now they have become his angels in disguise.
Great opportunities to help others don’t come that often, but small ones surround us every day. Do your bit and find your peace of mind.
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