Lockdown has taken a toll on everyone. With all the schools and colleges shut, it has been especially difficult for students to cope with the pressure that comes with long periods of isolation. But slowly, as the international borders open up, students who had been studying abroad and were waiting to get to their campuses are finally on their way.
Studying abroad, staying away from your family in a completely different country can get overbearing at times. Furthermore, it is also noticeable that many students face health issues due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic. All of this has a negative impact on their mental health. Never let negative feelings or circumstances surround the mind. This will only de-motivate you and break the morale down. Getting advice from experts is best when one cannot cope with their mental health.
Here are a few mental health and mindfulness tips that one must keep in mind as they settle down in a new place, especially during the current times.
Prioritise your physical health
We agree that the time is tough and challenging for students who are studying abroad. They are away from their family members and missing the cozy warmth of their love. But now is the time to pull yourself together and focus on your overall health. If you exercise twice a day, you will see positive hormone changes in your body that will lead to good mental health. It need not be gym or a hardcore workout. You can take up yoga if you prefer the slow rhythm. You can even workout at home there are many online tools available to help you make exercising a daily habit.
Make music your go to
It is to believe that music has no colour, race, or boundaries. If you are not a music lover, then you must reconsider your choice. Experts say that listening to music can rejuvenate our energy whenever we are going through difficult times. Certain musical beats have some positive vibration that directly affect your brain nerves. So, next time when you are facing a tough time, remember to turn on any music and see the results.
There are different kinds of music that you can explore. White music can actually help you focus more. This is because of the Alpha beats which enhances the relaxation effect, so you can really relax, even when experiencing high-stress levels. And even Gamma brain waves are the fastest brain waves produced inside your brain. Your brain tends to produce gamma waves when you’re intensely focused or actively engaged in solving a problem. Ambience music helps your mind to become calm and concentrate better.
Meditate regularly
This might seem cliché, but meditation has proven to have innumerable physical, mental and emotional health benefits. Meditation is to be believed an ancient process that calms down our nerve system while filling us with an overall feeling of positivity. Meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress. Anyone can practice meditation. It’s simple and inexpensive, and it doesn’t require any special equipment. And you can practice meditation wherever you are.
Be kind to yourself
You have been working hard and pushing yourself to achieve high grades in your studies. But, you must not play around with your health too much. It’s time to show some mercy and find lucrative ways to relax. To spend quality time, read some good books, watch motivational videos or speak to your loved ones over the phone to make the difference. Spending time doing things that you enjoy is also a for of self-compassion. Treat yourself with care at all times. The book A Year Of Living Kindly By Donna Cameron is a must read to understand the importance of being kind and compassionate.
Don’t hesitate to seek help
A good advice at the right time may do wonders in your tough time. So, never feel shy to get help whenever you feel you are going through a tough mental time. Remember, there is no shortage of good people around you.
You can reach out to your university’s counsellor or in-school therapist. You can also schedule your appointments with therapists with trusted doctors online.
There are many ways to put yourself in a more mindful state while studying abroad. Find the one that best works for you.
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