Attain Undivided Concentration With This Meditation

Attain Undivided Concentration With This Meditation

Tame the monkey mind and level up your concentration power with this meditation.
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Our mind wanders in 10 different directions at a time. To bring it down to one thought or one action is a task in itself. But meditation is that tool that allows you to focus on one thing while blurring everything else. With more concentration and less distraction, you can get more done, at the same time.

Here’s how you should meditate to boost and retain your concentration level.

Step 1: Get comfortable

From how to sit, where to sit, and what to wear, there should be comfort in every aspect.

How to sit?

You can sit on a chair, with your feet firm on the ground, or sit cross-legged on the floor or lie down.

Where to sit?

Meditation can be practiced in any quiet corner. You do not have to face any particular direction as well.

What to wear?

You do not want to be distracted with uncomfortable clothing while trying to achieve Zen. Anything lose and non-hugging to the body will be perfect.

Step 2: Shut down the outer world

Eyes are the windows to the outer world, but to take a dip within, you need to shut them gently. Slowly rest your gaze and loosen your jaw. Be careful not to shut them tight.

Step 3: Breathe mindfully

Your relaxation begins with this step. The mere act of inhaling and exhaling with closed eyes will calm you down. Begin with normal breathing, do not try to change the pace or intensity. Try to relax each body part with every exhale.

Step 4: Let them come, let them go

Your thoughts will come and go. Do not try to stop or dodge them. Meditation is the divine art of letting go, so let your thoughts come, consume you, and gently leave. Don’t try hard to keep your thoughts on track. When you notice your mind wandering, simply focus on breathing, and in no time, you’ll be back in your meditative zone.

The quiet spaces between your thoughts will become more frequent and longer with regular practice.

Step 5: The finale

Finish stronger than you started, by lifting your gaze very gently. Notice the voices around you. Feel the lightness in your mind and body. Let the state of bliss linger for a moment, stay there.

Just like one push-up and one healthy meal do not change things, meditation too requires consistency and time to show results. The process is slow but giving up will not speed it up. Simply take out time to meditate every day, and you’ll notice the difference sooner than you imagined.

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