As the ‘new normal’ hit after the stay-at-home orders and global lockdown. The work and management saw a major shift. The management and the recruiters had to reorganise the methods they have used for decades.
Hiring the best candidates for the job has become even more challenging. Here are 5 tips to help you recruit the best talent according to your requirements.
Redefine the job requirements
Changing the job description according to the current requirements is very necessary. The working and the responsibilities remain the same, but the skill sets required to get the job done have to be redefined. The candidate must have fair technical knowledge about the job.
And while conducting the interview you need to prepare yourself for any kind of technical issues either on your or the interviewees’ side.
Tweak and restructure the existing questionnaire
As the work is going to be remote you need to ensure that the candidate has the ability to get the work done without being constantly micromanaged. Their communication game should be acceptable if not strong, and they should also have the ability to prioritise their work and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
How can you get to know about all of this through a virtual interview? You need to redefine and restructure your existing questionnaire. You need to include situation-based questions to truly understand the candidate’s ability to deal with the situation at hand.
Building good leadership
Hiring a fit candidate is only half the battle, to ensure that they work well along with the existing team who already know each other personally. To get this together seamlessly the manager has to ensure good leadership. It’s the manager’s job to break the ice, provide thorough orientation and ensuring the team is comfortable.
Ensuring seamless communication
Though the work might be remote it’s important to let the employees know that they can reach out to the management easily and conveniently whenever they want. Especially for the new recruits, this becomes very important as they navigate through the organisation culture.
Whether the organisation is using an instant message app or not, it’s important to ensure that the candidate is used to the current flow and if not, train them.
Be empathetic
The times have been hard on everyone. You as a recruiter need to understand that the candidate might not have access to the required tools or might have other obligations due to which they’ll have to reschedule. Be open and understanding to their situation. Be mindful and accommodate potential audio/video delays.
We hope these tips help you prepare for the interviews and get the right candidate for your job!
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