Work from home has been one of the most commonly used terms this year. Companies all over the world adapted to this new way of working by introducing new policies and learning along the way. While Twitter asked its employees to work from home since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, Facebook, along with Google has decided to extend its work from home policy to until middle of next year, that is July 2021. There have also been discussions about making work from home a permanent aspect of some profiles and are looking into remote working. Half of Facebook’s employees are expected to be working remotely by 2030. Such policies have come to light keeping in mind the safety and comfort of the employees. Let’s weigh the pros and cons of working from home.
- Flexible working hours: You have the liberty to choose your working hours. You can speak with your manager and fix a working hour that may suit you. Often you may have chores to finish since you’re a part of the family and you may have certain duties that need to be done so it’s always better to keep flexible working hours.
- No physical separation between work and leisure time: Your workplace is your home; and your home is your workplace. The mental separation between your personal space and your workspace is not there anymore. This could take a toll on your mental well-being and the idea of unwinding in familiar spaces which may not be familiar anymore.
- No commute: You save up on fuel or travel because you have the comfort of your own place to work out from. Working from home does help you save money and expenses that aren’t needed anymore.
- More time with family: Spending time at home means spending even more time with your family. All the complains of not spending enough quality time with your family this may be the best opportunity to do so.
- Less human interaction: You may have family around you, but you need your peers and friends in order to socialize. You need separate group of friends to cope with stress that may be happening at home.
- Healthier lifestyle: A study conducted by CoSo Cloud confirmed that 42% of all questioned remote workers eat healthier when working from home. At home you have access to your favourite food selection and the luxury of flexible time. When you have the time and space; giving your food preferences a thought is what is next.
- Hard to switch off: You sleep at home, and you work there too. Because of this it becomes hard to separate your private life and business life. Your whole revolves around work and it becomes a little difficult to turn off and detox which you would have done under normal circumstances.
Remote work has clear benefits, but no situation is perfect. Understanding the reasons to work from home – as well as the reasons not to – can go a long way in learning how to work from home successfully.
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