Learning Has No Age: 53-Year-Old Woman Starts A Boutique Flower Company

Learning Has No Age: 53-Year-Old Woman Starts A Boutique Flower Company

Archana Raniwala started Bloom Barn in January 2021, after learning floral design in the 2020 lockdown.
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‘The only thing limiting us is our own mind.’ Who better to give an example of this phrase than Archana Raniwala. At an age where most people are thinking about retiring, she started her own company, Bloom Barn.

Starting her own company at 53 has been nothing less than a roller coaster ride. However, the work has been “very creatively satisfying” and she thoroughly enjoys the “joy of gifting.”

How did the journey begin?

Speaking to us Archana said, “I often toyed with the idea of doing something new, but I wasn’t able to hit the right idea. During the lockdown, workshops/classes became a lot more accessible online. I pursued a lot of them—from mandala and fluid art to fabric painting and so on.”

Although she was always creatively inclined, the idea for Bloom Barn came to her pretty spontaneously. She said, “I thought of this idea in December 2020 and made a few samples during that month. We then launched the brand in January.”

While the state-imposed lockdown took a toll on all of us, Archana used art as a means to cope up. According to her, “any form of art and creativity was a great channel for all the bottled-up energy. It was a way to harness our minds in a positive way and have something constructive to think and talk about when times were so tough for everyone.”

How is it going today?

The classic floral arrangements get a ‘fruity’ twist at Bloom Barn, with each bouquet featuring seasonal produce. They are hyper-local and work with neighbourhood vendors, and the bouquet bases can be upcycled in different ways as well.

Archana believes that “age should never be a deterrent to learning.” She even enrolled at the Institute of Floral Design, Mumbai. Being a student at 53 is just as thrilling for her as she says, “being curious, expanding your horizons and just constantly seeking newness is what makes life exciting!”

If you have a dream, don’t be afraid to pursue it. Take a leaf from Archana Raniwala and spread your wings to fly!

They deliver pan-Mumbai currently.

You can check them out here.

Or call +91 8080218000 if you want to place an order.

Read more: This Trip Will Make You Love Yourself Again!

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